Donald Trump in an exclusive interview with EL TIEMPO about the 2020 elections in the United States – United States Elections 2020 – International


The fight for the vote of Hispanics in United States it is fierce. Especially in Florida, a state that could well decide the name of the new occupant of the White House. (You may be interested in reading the exclusive interview with Joe Biden: ‘Trump politicized and undermined bipartisan relationship with Colombia’)

And among them the Colombians have begun to weigh heavily. That, at least, is what the president thinks Donald Trump.

In an exclusive interview with EL TIEMPO, the Republican president calls on them to support him this Tuesday, warning that a mandate from the Democrat Joe biden It would open the door to socialism in America and depress job opportunities.

(Also read: An institutional crisis, the fear that haunts the US elections.)

He also says that Colombians are paying for a peace agreement that was not well negotiated, and that while he supports the end of the conflict, it must be fair to all.The president answered several of the questions included in a questionnaire that was sent to him last week.

What can Latin America expect from President Donald Trump if he wins reelection?

I will continue to have a strong and respectful relationship with Latin America and I am proud to have great friendships with some of its leaders, but I will strongly oppose Castro-Chavismo. Latin America is a region full of very good people and with great opportunities. I have great respect for democracies in Latin America, as Colombia. We have many values ​​in common. We share a love for freedom, democracy, and our faith in God. Over the past four years, our team has made great progress in the region working with our partners.

In Latin America We have launched large agreements to finance initiatives led by the private sector. We have fought to end dangerous drug trafficking, including solutions to the problem of demand. After years of US presidents ignoring how Venezuela destabilizes the region, I said “enough” and took strong actions against the dictatorship. Not as Joe biden, whose political advisers just told ‘The New York Times’ who will surrender to Nicolas Maduro. I am proud to be aligned with our partners in the region and together we will restore democracy for the Venezuelan people.

In my next term you can count on me to bet on bigger and better things. I want my country to have strong commercial relations with Latin America. I will always put United StatesI’m first, but I also want to support American investment in all kinds of infrastructure –energy, airports, roads, ports, telecommunications and others– so that we can prosper together. In Colombia, I want to support our strategic alliance in matters of national security and help Colombians to live in peace and security.

Colombia is an important priority in the White House Security and Peace Act and for the Initiative for the Development and Prosperity of Women. My administration was the first and only to sign a law that assists women in the peace-building process. These conflicts have impacted women and children the most, and we want them to live in peace. For 47 years, Biden had the chance to help Latin America and did not give it enough importance because he is a corrupt elitist.

(Also read: These are the positions of Trump and Biden on key issues for the United States.)

Colombia is an important priority in the Security and Peace Law of the White House and for the Initiative for the Development and Prosperity of Women.

Donald trump

The president of the United States, Donald Trump.

His campaign has singled out Biden as being a Castro-Chavista. Do you really believe that Joe Biden wants to lead the United States to a regime like the Castros in Cuba or Hugo Chávez in Venezuela?

The problem is that Joe biden He is a handicapped and very weak man who has surrounded himself with Marxists who know they can control him because he has always been lazy with socialism. Look at your record. It is shameful what he has done. As a senator he voted five times to cut funding for the brave fighters who tried to liberate Nicaragua from Daniel Ortega and the Sandinistas.

He then voted to send Puerto Rico’s burgeoning pharmaceutical industry to China, which destroyed his economy and where we know his corrupt family makes millions. Later, as vice president of Barack ObamaHe gave millions to the Castros in exchange for nothing in a very bad agreement with the communist dictatorship in Cuba that I ended. Biden even praised Maduro and complimented him on his hair when he was killing his own people. He is a very, very weak and incredibly corrupt man.

Look at your campaign and what is happening with the Democratic Party. They were normal before they were kidnapped by the socialists. Biden backs the madman’s radical manifesto Bernie sanders, which includes a $ 4 trillion tax increase, taxpayer-funded abortions up to the time of birth, cutbacks in police funding, and an attack on our religious freedoms. We cannot have this in our country.

There is a reason why Biden draws the backing of Colombian socialist Gustavo Petro, from the Venezuelan Diosdado Cabello and why Nicolás Maduro calls him “Comrade Biden”. They know that Biden is weak and I am strong.

Biden is a typical politician and a puppet of the Castro-Chavistas who run his campaign and the Democratic Party. As long as he is president, the United States will never be a socialist or communist country. I wont allow it.

(Read here: Who is who in the electoral race in the US?)

Biden is a typical politician and a puppet of the Castrochavistas who run his campaign and the Democratic Party

Colombia faces a serious problem due to the illegal entry of thousands of Venezuelans. Do you think that Colombia should block your entry as you have tried to do with the illegals who seek to enter the United States?

Every country has the right to protect its borders, prioritize the safety and well-being of its citizens and decide who can enter. If you don’t have borders, you don’t have a country.

The United States accepts more immigrants per year than any other country in the world. We are a compassionate nation, but we have had a massive illegal immigration problem as a result of the negligence of Republicans and Democrats. I have faced that and I want to fix our immigration system, which is broken. But Democrats in Congress refuse to cooperate.

I love Latinos. They are wonderful people. I want immigrants to come to our country but legally. Illegal immigration is not good for anyone and dangerous for Hispanics who want safe neighborhoods for their families. Biden and the Democrats want disorder and chaos at the border because, hand in hand with the ‘fake news’They lie to Hispanics to get their votes.

(You may be interested: ‘Trump will be the first president to lose re-election since 1992’)

The United States accepts more immigrants per year than any other country in the world. We are a compassionate nation, but we have had an illegal immigration problem

Donald trump

Donald Trump, President of the United States.

Some 250,000 voters of Colombian origin live in Florida. Why should they vote for you?

Colombo-Americans are wonderful people. I know many and I am proud that our campaign is supported by many Colombians. Our numbers look great. Colombians are hard workers who love their families, their churches, their communities, and our great country.

Since my first day as president, I have worked tirelessly for our Latino community. Before the Chinese virus, he had achieved the lowest poverty rate and the highest wages for Hispanics, millions of jobs. If the 60 million Latinos living in United States were a country, they would be the richest nation in Latin America. Latinos have been very successful in the United States.

I want to continue the fight for a strong economy and safe communities for Latinos as I work to eradicate the coronavirus.

Biden talks a lot, but he has done nothing for Colombian-Americans or Hispanics. His tax increase will crush small businesses and his attack on school options will limit opportunities for Hispanic children. That is not the future I want for Colombian-Americans.

My American Dream Plan will create two million jobs for Hispanics and half a million Latino-led businesses in the next four years. I want Colombian-Americans to be a big part of that. They are winners and I am proud of them.

(Also read: The Colombian who has turned fully in favor of Trump speaks)

His tax increase will crush small businesses and his attack on school options will limit opportunities for Hispanic children

His rival, candidate Joe Biden, is one of the original authors of Plan Colombia and as vice president he also supported the approval of the free trade agreement. Why do you say that if Biden wins, he would turn his back on the Colombians?

Biden is a corrupt politician who will betray Colombia in the same way that he has betrayed Venezuelans, Cubans, Nicaraguans, and the American people.
Now what Colombia has a failed socialist state on its border, Biden is the last person Colombians need in the White House because he has been so weak, inconsistent, and wrong throughout his career.

The Secretary of Defense of Obama (Robert Gates was George W. Bush’s Secretary of Defense – a Republican – but Obama kept it when he came to the White House for a few months) has said that Biden has been wrong in all foreign policy decisions in 50 years.

He supported the war in Iraq and sent thousands to die in the Middle East. Does anyone really believe that he will hit the policy with Colombia? I don `t believe. It is a disaster.

Look what he did to Venezuela. He was very, very weak with Chávez and Maduro. She even complimented him on his hair. It was pathetic. Biden has done nothing to help Venezuela.
I led the world to recognize Juan Guaidó, and the Justice Department has opened legal proceedings against Maduro and his henchmen.

Now that Colombia has a failed socialist state on its border, Biden is the last person Colombians need in the White House.

Look at what it did to Hispanics in our country. He raised their taxes, imprisoned millions with his terrible crime law, and built cages for immigrants.
That is something that dishonest ‘fake news’ does not tell you. Biden built the cages, I built the strongest economy in history for Latinos.

Biden was very weak in helping Colombia get a better peace process and now vulnerable Colombians are paying the price. I want peace, but the process must be responsible and fair.

Biden does not even endorse former President Álvaro Uribe, who is a great hero of the Colombians who prevented Colombia from becoming Venezuela.
The reason he doesn’t endorse it is because Biden is a corrupt puppet of the radical left. I will always support Colombian democracy and support its wonderful people.

(In other news: Five major groups that will define the elections in the United States)

