Doctor started hunger strike for MEN to validate his title


This Tuesday, a doctor from Barranquilla began a hunger strike for the Ministry of Education to validate his title as a specialist in plastic surgery.

Is about Bryan de Alba, who studied five years of general surgery and then plastic surgery at the Fluminense University of Brazil, entity that, according to said, has international accreditation, but the Ministry does not recognize it.

The doctor, who is tied with chains at the entrance of the Ministry of Education, indicated that It has been in the process for four years and has not received a response.

De Alba reported to the rectory of the Fluminense University and the Embassy of Brazil, that “There are irregularities in the subordinates” of Minister María Victoria Ángulo and for this reason they have not validated his diploma.

States that knows the case of several colleagues who are in ‘academic and work limbo’, because they cannot practice their profession due to the lack of attention from the Ministry.

He noted that the hunger strike will continue “For as long as necessary” until the Ministry of Education validates your diploma.

The young man indicated that for him it is not fair that after twelve years of studies he is in this situation and He hopes that Minister Ángulo will appear on his case.

“It is not fair for our own country to deny us the opportunity to work after so many years of study, ”he said.
