Do not stop! With a new protest, Cartagena calls for the removal of tolls | THE UNIVERSAL


Since last January 21, the day on which the Comptroller General of the Republic revealed the alleged irregularities in the toll concession contract, protests by Cartagena demanding the dismantling of these structures have become the daily bread and butter. (Read here: Tolls would have caused a detriment of $ 300 billion: Comptroller)

Today, Friday, February 5, a new demonstration is held in which more than 200 vehicles participate that are not willing to continue paying in the four internal tolls that operate in the city: Bazurto (in Manga), Ceballos, La Heroica and Corralito de Piedra (the last two in Mamonal).

These are placed on the Bazurto bridge so vehicular traffic to Manga through this area is restricted. The caravan generates traffic jams on Avenida de El Bosque and Avenida Crisanto Luque.

The protesters claim that the protest also rejects the District’s lack of an official and clear position on the issue of tolls. (You may be interested: They present a new action to suspend the collection of tolls in Cartagena)

“After two weeks of knowing the order of the Comptroller, the District Administration, headed by Mayor William Dau, has only managed to order Cartagena not to pay tolls. The mayor has not taken any actions to terminate the concession contract or to demand that the collection of tolls be temporarily suspended and not be in the game of lowering and raising the gate that can cause serious problems for citizens “Said Erick Urueta Benavides, director of the Network of Oversight of the Judicial Branch, Vejuca.

It should be clarified that after the report from the Comptroller’s Office, Mayor William Dau sent an official letter to the Road Concession requesting to suspend the collection in order not to continue with the alleged patrimonial detriment to the District. The president has supported the protests that have been carried out against tolls and insists that the gate must be lifted

It was known that the caravan will move to the Historic Center.
