“Do not get involved in our elections”, the scolding of US congressmen to Gustavo Petro, María Fernanda Cabal and Carlos Felipe Mejía



The presidential elections in the United States are experiencing their most intense moment a few days after it is known who will be the next president of the world power, if the Democrat Joe Biden or the Republican and current president Donald Trump. An election that is not alien to Colombia, since several politicians in the country have taken sides and exposed their favorite candidate.

Situation that does not make several US congressmen happy, two of them published an opinion column on CNN, in which they ask that these Colombian politicians respect the elections and stay out of them.

The brief of the Democratic representatives Gregory Meeks and Rubén Gallego, comment that they have seen with concern how several politicians are publicly electing one side in the US elections.

Representative Gregory Meeks is a Democrat representing New York's fifth congressional district in the United States House of Representatives.  Representative Rubén Gallego is a Democrat representing Arizona's seventh congressional district.
Representative Gregory Meeks is a Democrat representing New York’s fifth congressional district in the United States House of Representatives. Representative Rubén Gallego is a Democrat representing Arizona’s seventh congressional district.

“Politicians such as Senator María Fernanda Cabal, Senator Carlos Felipe Mejía, and Congressman Juan David Vélez, a Colombian-American citizen with dual citizenship, whom we could more reasonably expect to participate in American democracy, have taken to social media, and one has taken the press to take sides in the next US presidential vote. Some have even repeated the invention that Vice President Joe Biden is a communist or radical socialist. Previously, Senator Gustavo Petro also intervened and expressed his preference for Biden on Twitter “the Democrats wrote in annoyance.

Meeks and Gallego also show how Cabal hinted that Biden is controlled by the loose collection of left-wing activists known as Antifa.. Mejía tweeted a two-minute Latino video for Trump in which campaign aide Mercedes Schlapp, in response to Petro’s endorsement of Biden, calls Biden “the candidate of the radical left” and compares him to the Communists.


For the good of our two countries, this kind of behavior has to end now.

The congressmen clarify that they are aware that the aforementioned Colombian politicians do not speak for all and they affirm that the majority, including those in government, continue to respect our democratic institutions and processes.

“Support for Colombia has never depended on whether there was a Democrat or Republican in the White House, nor on the party affiliation of the presidents of Colombia. It should stay that way “American politicians say.


Democrats insist it is unethical for Colombian politicians to share “Absurd lies” like Biden represents Fidel Castro or Hugo Chávez-style socialism.

They play with the trauma of Colombians who have escaped the violence of the left-wing guerrillas, and that of Venezuelans who have fled the tyrannical government of Nicolás Maduro, is shameful. This scaremongering does nothing more than cruelly force diaspora families in the United States to relive the pain of their dislocation.

It is because of these details that the congressmen ask that that independent position that has always characterized Colombia’s relationship with the United States be respected.


“Regardless of whether Biden wins the White House in November, we want nothing more than to maintain, indeed, increase our cooperation with Colombia to address these challenges together.”, the congressmen pointed out in their opinion column.
