Discussion between a policeman and a prosecutor in Medellín about a detainee with a stolen cell phone


An argument between a policeman and a prosecutor about the fate of a person arrested for the alleged crime of receiving -Supposedly he had a cell phone with the IMEI reported as stolen- caused outrage on social media. The situation was recorded in an office of the URI Centro, in Medellin

“Doctor, good night,” says the uniformed man.

-The inconvenience, I bring a person captured for the crime of cell phone reception– She explains to the official, who is sitting in front of her computer.

-Oh, no, mijo, I can’t believe it, do you know how that’s down?-, she tells him, referring to the overcrowded condition in which the cells of that building are found.

“Yes ma’am,” he answers.

“With those big cases we have here,” she affirms.

-Yes doctor, I understand you, but the same is a violation of the Colombian Penal Code-, the uniformed man argues for the detainee to be prosecuted.

At that time, the answer was given that raised blister among users on social networks.

-Every time you captured him, right? You risk that any of the prosecutors can certify copies– she warns him.

“Why doctor?” Asks the uniformed man.

-For many reasons: because the general interest prevails over the individual, for the issue of the pandemic; If you want to leave it, leave it-, says the prosecutor of the URI center in Medellín.

-Yes, you have to leave it, because the team has a theft report– The policeman tries to explain.

-Phew, here every day there are reports of theft and cell phone, every day I receive cell phone seizures– Answers the official.

“Were you the one who stopped him?” He asks again.

“Yes ma’am,” answers the policeman.

Seconds after exchanging a few words, the prosecutor tells him:

Here those who capture are you, the ones who solve the legal situation, we are the prosecutors (…) Most of his classmates they just make a report and do the seizure, ask- affirms the official of the accusing entity.

You and I are wearing ourselves out, you captured it, leave it mijo that the doctor (another prosecutor) and I have solved– concludes the prosecutor.

Given what happened, the Prosecutor’s Office issued a statement in which ensures that the official will be disciplinary investigated.

“Regarding the video that circulates on social networks, in which an official of the Attorney General’s Office is seen who is in an Immediate Reaction Unit, URI, of Medellín (Antioquia), and that according to the images carelessly assists a police officer who takes a detainee for reception, the Prosecutor’s Office is allowed to report that started a disciplinary investigation against the official”Says the statement.

However, the same Prosecutor’s Office makes a clarity: “However, the resources to establish what happened and the responsibilities will be exhausted”.

“For the Prosecutor’s Office Citizen service is a priority and during times of the pandemic it has continued to work in all sections of the country, ensuring that the justice service to Colombians continues”, He adds.

In Medellín, from the beginning of the quarantine, on March 20, 2020, until August 31 of the same year, 4,024 mobile phones were stolen, according to figures provided by the authorities to Newscaracol.com
