Diomedes Díaz’s son is disappointed in Rafael Santos


Fredy, who was born as a result of the love of the singer and Luz Consuelo Martínez (the artist’s last wife), told the program that he only maintains permanent contact with his brothers Luis Ángel, Betsy Liliana, Luis Mariano and, at the time, with Moisés.

Children of Diomedes Díaz

He added that he also speaks sporadically with 3 other of the 21 children that Diomedes Díaz left, but that with the others he does not maintain any type of relationship; one of them is Rafael Santos, towards whom Fredy feels “a little bit of disappointment”.

According to Fredy’s testimony, this is due to the attitude he and his other brothers took towards their little sisters, Carmen Consuelo and Katiuska, 10 and 8 years old, respectively.

“I think it was the distance they had towards my little sisters,” explained Fredy, and then added:

“My little sisters became very young after the death of my dad; My little sisters did not deserve to be turned away from them as they were. ”

See Fredy’s full testimony below:
