Dimayor responded to government doubts about protocol | Colombia news today | Colombian Soccer | BetPlay League


Dimayor responded to government doubts about protocol | Colombia news today | Colombian Soccer | BetPlay League | Soccer<br />

The details of the letter sent by the Colombian soccer managers were known.


Dimayor logo.



This Thursday the letter sent by Dimayor to the national government to answer the doubts raised about the protocol for the reactivation of Colombian football was released.

The information was published by the journalist Lizeth Torres and there are some lights on how the entire protocol will work, those in charge of enforcing this and what is needed from the Ministry of Health.

The club doctor will be responsible for ensuring that the players comply with the protocols, but there must also be a security officer to oversee the development of this entire plan devised by Dimayor.

About the four dressing rooms, Dimayor pointed out that “most of the scenarios” have this and to what they do not have some portable dressing rooms.

In addition, the highest body of Colombian football guarantees the necessary resources so that all the tests that have been raised in the protocol can be carried out, although it points out that there are some cities that have also applied to host and will support with these tests.

Another aspect refers to health payments and ARL, so the clubs must give this report to Dimayor every month in order to play. However, there is no discussion of outstanding salaries for footballers and coaches as a requirement to return to play.

Those who do not comply with this protocol (players, technicians or support personnel) will be fined by Dimayor.

However, the Dimayor also requested the help of the Ministry of Health to establish a rule that forces the ARL to cover the expenses of the rapid tests for soccer players and that the same state entity serves as an intermediary for Colombian clubs do not charge them for the rent of the stadiums used.

