Diego Molano would be the replacement of Carlos Holmes Trujillo in Mindefensa


The information was anticipated by Ricardo González, a journalist for Blu Radio, on his Twitter account. The communicator assured that Diego Molano will be announced as Minister of Defense this Monday.

González, at the time of issuing his forecast, cited a trill of his in which he already referred to Molano as a possible replacement for Carlos Holmes Trujillo.

In that opportunity, He stated that Trujillo’s departure was imminent, given his well-known presidential aspirations, which even they were recognized by Germán Vargas Lleras in one of his columns.

The journalist points out that, since December, Diego Molano has had contacts with the Defense sector to begin the transition and take office. However, so far, nothing is confirmed.

Molano has recently been recognized as a tough political adversary of Claudia Lopez, with whom has had strong crosses defending the government of Iván Duque.

In fact, that animosity with the mayor is another clue that would place Molano Aponte in the Ministry. Semana – who abstained from giving the name of the next minister – assured that “The name of the new Defense Minister is ready”.

The publication said that the next head of the portfolio “is young and in recent months we have seen him give a strong fight defending the Government, especially against the mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López.”

The forecast that puts Diego Molano in the Ministry of Defense:

The other candidates to replace Carlos Holmes Trujillo

Had already been mentioned various names other than Diego Molano. Among them are Rafael Guarín (presidential adviser for National Security), Miguel Ceballos (high adviser for Peace) and Jorge Bedoya (president of the Society of Farmers).

RCN News joined to those versions, but added a ‘surprise’ name: the former minister Juan Carlos Pinzon.
