Diana Trujillo, NASA mission leader to Mars, will be decorated in the Colombian Congress


March 05, 2021 – 08:44 pm


Newsroom of El País

Diana Trujillo, the Caleña who is a fundamental piece of the NASA team that explores Mars, will be decorated next Monday, March 8, by the Congress of the Republic with the Order for Women and Democracy Policarpa Salavarrieta.

The aerospace engineer is one of the four chosen by the Legislative Commission for the Equality of Women to receive the distinction that exalts the work of these Colombians who are “leading scenarios that have traditionally been occupied by men,” according to the commission in a statement.

Along with her, Nancy Fernández, also from Valle del Cauca, will receive the recognition, film producer and partner of the audiovisual content company 64-A Films; Sylvia Escovar, former president of the Terpel Organization; and Nadia Sánchez, leader, defender of women’s rights and founder of the She Is foundation.

“The work and experience of these women is a deep source of inspiration for us and a benchmark for all women and girls in Colombia. Through the Policarpa Salavarrieta Order we want to exalt their work and highlight them as role models,” said the representative. Catalina Ortiz to the Chamber, who nominated the winners.

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The act of commemoration of Women’s Day and the delivery of recognition will take place in the National Capitol of Congress, next Monday, March 8, starting at 4:00 pm

The commission also recalled that on the date “it is to remember that we are more than 51% of the population and also put the magnifying glass on what we have achieved and, even more, draw attention to what we lack to advance as a society so that both men and women, in their particularities and identities, effectively enjoy equal opportunities, treatment and human rights “.

They indicated that this year to commemorate this day in a different way, it was decided that the week of March 22-26, Congress will meet with bills exclusively on women and gender equality.

In addition, “on March 24, all the congressmen will join in this commemoration in the #PlenaryMujer of the House of Representatives and Senate of the Republic.”

The congressmen invited the Councils and Assemblies to dedicate a session of the month to record the situation of women in the territories and propose draft agreements or ordinances related to women’s rights and gender equality, as well as hold a debate policy on programs and projects in this area, included in development plans.

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Who is Diana Trujillo?

Diana Trujillo is an aerospace engineer graduated from the University of Maryland, with additional studies at the University of Florida, born in Cali in the early 1980s.

She graduated from Colegio Cañaverales in the capital of Valle and came to the United States at the age of 17, with only US $ 300. He had to work for three years cleaning offices and working in a bakery in order to pay for courses to learn English.

Reading one day about different careers, she found aerospace engineering and without having much idea about this program “it rang to me. I wanted to study space and said ‘aero and space’. Surely that is and that’s how I chose it,” he recalled in an interview with The country.

In 2007 she was chosen among the best 18 students at the University of Florida to do an internship at NASA. 3,000 showed up. She was the first Hispanic migrant to the Space Academy.

Since 2008, it has been part of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, from where it contributes to robotic and manned missions of the US agency.

She participated in the mission that brought the Curiosity robot to the Martian surface in 2012, starting as part of the robotic arm team and eventually becoming the mission leader in 2015.

She is currently the flight director for the Mars 2020 mission, in charge of taking the Perseverance rover to the red planet.
