Deportivo Cali: President Caicedo’s words about the League and 2020 format | Colombian Soccer | BetPlay League


One of the managers happiest with the announcement of the return of Colombian football is Marco Caicedo, president of Deportivo Cali, since his club will open the competition next Saturday, September 12 (6:00 pm) against Millonarios, a match that was postponed. from the sixth date of the 2020 League.

The manager spoke extensively with the ‘Super Combo del Deporte’ to refer to the issues that will be discussed at the Dimayor assembly next Wednesday, the format of the championship to follow and the request of the Mayor of Cali for some land of the Verdiblanca institution in Pance to develop a social project there.

After having had a difficult delivery, we have already managed to have a tournament date and format, and to the delight of the fans, players, ourselves and the general public, we are already in the final stretch, starting engines; the team is strong winners, I was talking to the captain this Thursday and they are very focused on achieving that goal ”.

As for what would prevent the championship format from being approved next Wednesday, he said that “the only thing that could prevent it is that there is no majority vote to approve that proposal, I would not believe that in the face of such a struggle that we have fought to get it started and that this is the resurrection of a dying industry, it would be a contradiction if they didn’t approve it, I don’t see it, it wouldn’t fit in my head. This is the life of the clubs, a patient who was dying is given a life preserver, an oxygen pipette to resuscitate and I don’t think he will reject it, things happen in life and I see; in my case, I will be in favor, even trying to socialize with the greatest number of presidents so that we arrive with a unified position, we have to make our beloved football grow ”.

Will not the home runs go but playoffs? “Yes, that proposal allows us two fewer games, despite the fact that there is a very tight schedule we managed to get it out in 2020.”

When would the championship end? December 27 and 30 would be the finals, as I say, this covid has forced us to make sacrifices, it has forced us to adapt, we all have to be patient, tolerant and understand that this is a juncture, a unique situation that caught us all badly standing, in all honesty, I sacrifice myself, if we reach the final I sacrifice my head, I would believe that there is no player in his healthy mind who would not sacrifice himself for having the opportunity to be part of football history.

What would it mean to be a champion in the year of the pandemic? “It would be historic, beautiful, all players dream since they were children with an opportunity of these, I think that sacrificing some guards that commonly that is what happens on 30, for glory, for immortality on the shelves of sports, falls for their own weight ”.

Will the league be maintained for the teams that are eliminated? “Yes, that has another sacrifice and it is to assume financial costs to have that league, but it is important that all the teams participate because we have not played for six months, in October there are some that are left out and it would practically be a year in which the players end up without acting for nine months, it is time to be collaborative and see the needs of players and teams ”.

What is the prize for the winner of that league? “Enter to compete against the last best reclassified for a quota to the South American.”

What award does the Colombian Cup champion get? “The calendar does not allow for the end of this year but in January, the winner of the Cup obtains the quota for the Copa Libertadores in 2022. This is a proposal and everything will be written in stone after the Assembly, to satisfy the interests of everyone it will be impossible ”.

Was the proposal to hold only one championship in the year not welcomed? “It was a proposal that President (Fernando) Salazar made, but it did not happen at the time, that is democracy. I like the idea of ​​having a single annual tournament, I think Deportivo Cali has even been a speaker in the past of that format, but it has not happened and I see it difficult, because most of the teams in Colombia want two tournaments and They have valid arguments, here the fan does not attend the stadiums throughout the year, the bulk of the assistance is made in the finals, for most teams the main income is the box office and ticket office, they have reasoning and financial support That is a struggle that has taken place, but that idea has never permeated in Dimayor. This is how it was presented this year, but the format we approved won, which had the small change that instead of two home runs a ‘playoff’ is played, because the times do not give us, we aspired to start on August 1, but for the matter of the permits could not be ”.

How is the contractual aspect with the women’s team? “We are committed to women’s football, the Federation requires that all players must have professional status, we will sign a contract with each of them, we hope that the start date will be announced, the men’s first starts and there in October The ladies would do it, there are 13 teams that we accept to be participants, we are preparing to win that tournament, we hired one of the best goalkeepers in South America, Maryory Sánchez, goalkeeper of the Peruvian national team, who was one of our holes. We also hire very good girls, among them Linda (Caicedo), who has had some health problems, but I think she will be ready to play, we are committed and excited about women’s football as well ”.

Will they talk about relegation again on Wednesday? “There are issues that have been approved, it was postponed to June. The teams directly affected will want to put the issue on the table, but I think it is an issue that has already been decided, it was voted and it is decided, if it is done in one way, some will be dissatisfied, if it is done in another way, others will be dissatisfied. There is a certain moment in which one has to assume with greatness and height the democracies and the decisions that have already been taken in that sense remain and are still standing ”.

How is the application of the Mayor of Cali to acquire a property of the club in Pance? “Simply put, the Mayor’s Office issued a resolution in which it dictates that an area bordering the Pance River, which is Pance II, some lots that we have there, are good for public use, the Council ratifies it, they notified us of that, the only thing that We can do is analyze the issue from the legal and economic point of view, I am addressing it with all seriousness, the first step was to have all the tools, elements of judgment from the legal perspective, and there I already have a group of advisers who will help me To be giving its concept, now we have to wait for the Mayor to notify us and summon us to reach an agreement. They have not notified us, it is simply a unilateral decision by the municipality, others of us are very respectful of state regulations and of course my responsibility as trustee of the assembly, who are the associates of Deportivo Cali, I have to protect the club, its patrimony, and I am approaching it with all the seriousness of the case ”.

Marco Antonio Garcés
Correspondent Futbolred Cali
On twitter: @marquitosgarces
