Death of Pablo Escobar: the end of a criminal empire


The star Virginia Vallejo smiles behind Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria, who was her lover for five years.  Now, he's launched a legal battle against Netflix
The star Virginia Vallejo smiles behind Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria, who was her lover for five years. Now, he’s launched a legal battle against Netflix

On December 2 of each year, the death of the terror of drug trafficking of the time is commemorated, who at the time became the most dangerous man in the world and in Colombia and who led almost 80% of cocaine production at the level. world: the Colombian capo, Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria, head of the Medellín Cartel.


It is already twenty-seven years since the murder of the drug trafficker that occurred on the second day of December 1993, while trying to escape from the authorities, on the roof of the house where he was hiding in the Los Olivos neighborhood of Medellín, the capital of Antioquia.

‘El Patron’, as his bloodthirsty assassins called him, was shot dead, which, according to Hugo Aguilar, the commander of the Police who shot him, It entered through the heart and exited through the jaw.

However, like most situations in the life of the deceased drug trafficker, everything was a mystery and his death was no exception. After death, several hypotheses were generated in which Don Berna (extradited in the US) and Los Pepes (staunch enemies of Escobar) claimed that they killed the bloody criminal.

Diego Fernando Murillo Bejarano, alias 'Don Berna', inherited the throne from Pablo Escobar after helping in his capture, at the head of the criminal gang 'La Oficina de Envigado'.
Diego Fernando Murillo Bejarano, alias ‘Don Berna’, inherited the throne from Pablo Escobar after helping in his capture, at the head of the criminal gang ‘La Oficina de Envigado’.

“Without being an expert in criminalistics, in ballistics, when there is a point-blank shot there is something called the tattoo, the powder magazine, Pablo did not have ao ”, assured the thanatologist Ómar Albeiro Carmona Ospina to the program“ Los Informantes ”. Which would put into question that Colonel Aguilar was the one who murdered the capo. But nevertheless, This is the official version that the Colombian State specified on the cause of death of the deceased criminal.

Hated but remembered?

Escobar Gaviria passed away the day after his 44th birthday and now, almost three decades after his death, which is one of the victories that the Colombian government most celebrates against drug trafficking, his son, Juan Sebastián Marroquín Santos, who changed the name with which it was registered when he was born (Juan Pablo Escobar Henao), ‘posted’ on his instagram account a few words in commemoration of his father.

“How could I say without offending or glorifying you that I miss the father and not the criminal? TQM Dad. 1949 – 1993 RIP “Said the son of the Colombian capo in the publication that he accompanied next to his father, the feared drug trafficker of the 90s.

Escobar's son
Escobar’s son

Many are the myths that are still being clarified today about the life of ‘El Patrón’. Among them, the large fortune that Escobar Gaviria had. Preliminary versions assure that as a product of the commercialization of cocaine around the world, Pablo collected a millionaire fortune from 25,000 and 30,000 millions of dollars approximately.

The day Pablo Escobar 'kidnapped' Menotti and offered him to direct Atlético Nacional
The day Pablo Escobar ‘kidnapped’ Menotti and offered him to direct Atlético Nacional

This feared drug trafficker, who unfortunately for many is of Colombian nationality, is accused of committing at least 623 attacks with bombs that claimed the lives of almost 420 people. Its mission, to subdue the governments of the day and subject them to its criminal structure. In fact, Escobar tried to assassinate César Gaviria, former president of Colombia, with a bomb on a plane. However, Gaviria was saved, but by the explosive on the plane 110 civilians lost their lives.


Another of the crimes for which the leader of the Medellín Cartel is most remembered with disdain is for ordering the killing of more than 500 policemen, for whom he paid two million Colombian pesos for his murders. Further, for the assassinations of Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, Luis Carlos Galán, Guillermo Cano, the kidnappings of former President Andrés Pastrana and former Vice President Francisco Santos, among many other cases that confirm over and over again that Escobar is the most dangerous man in the Colombian context.

More about the subject

24 hours with the body of Pablo Escobar. Unpublished revelations about the capo’s death

30 years after the day Pablo Escobar blew up a commercial plane and killed 110 people … but the only one he wanted to kill was saved
