Death of Horacio Serpa: Horacio Serpa Moncada pays tribute to the memory of his father – Congress – Politics


Goodbye dad. Good trip.

You were a wonderful human being. As a husband, father, son, brother, uncle and grandfather, you taught us to love family and always be united. You gave us an example of neatness, tenacity, transparency and dedication to the service of Colombia. You never said a bad word, you were reserved, you hated gossip and lies, and you had absolute respect for people. You never complained about anything or demanded anything. Your way of being was a magnet that held those who knew you. Your charisma was a gift from God that you shared with people.

You always knew how to find the greatest joys in small things. Your life was a parable of service to those in need and of commitment to every human being who opened his heart to you. You were a tireless fighter and worker without a schedule who never abandoned the goal of transforming the world around you and making it more human, more dignified, more just, more peaceful.

You were a worthy heir and representative of the Santander line, a gentleman in triumphs and determined in the face of adversity. You gave us an example of humility in each of your achievements. You never forgot your origins and you were always proud of your ability to overcome obstacles, with dedication, honesty and effort, to get ahead. You were passionate about writing, public speaking inspired you, but being surrounded by family was what you longed for.

(Also read: ‘Peace! Horacio’s only passion that exceeds the one he has for Rosita’)

You were personally loved, applauded, controversial, and even slandered. You never allowed anyone to trample on your dignity and you defended your thesis and ideals with height. You debated objectively, you discussed without sectarianism, and you participated in actions that dignified politics. You were a man of principles and deep human values ​​that made you be a person of character, but your nobility did not allow you to lie, hurt or betray. Loyalty was your hallmark and it is our great heritage.

You were a lawyer, a constitutionalist, a politician, but above all a defender of human rights and peace. Your political career leaves a stamp in Colombia because you made your profession a daily chair of transparency and commitment. You brought your altruistic spirit of service, loyalty and social commitment to political activity. Your great lesson to the country was to be a tireless fighter for the end of violence and the achievement of coexistence, reconciliation and the full validity of the Constitution. You never gave up on that goal.

You were born liberal, you lived liberal and you will be eternally liberal. You fought like a tiger for your party, which you led with greatness and was a personal seal. Like Barrancabermeja, the city that you loved with passion from Santander. You lived to the fullest. On your trip you carry a soul full of satisfactions. You were helpful and worked to make a better Colombia possible. You instilled that love for the country in the family. Your grandchildren will miss your history lessons and your daily tips for reading and writing. A humanist like you was clear that education is the key to change. That is why you enjoyed your university chairs.

The love story of Horacio Serpa and Rosita Moncada

Horacio Serpa and Rosita Moncada, his wife.

You will need Colombia. But above all to your family. Your departure has been the most painful stage of my life. It comforts me to know that your memory will always embrace us and you will be present at every step we take. You left at the least expected moment, when excited we believed we could share more time in your retirement stage in your land of Santander, but God wanted to have you by his side.

I will always be grateful to God for giving me such a wonderful father like you. I will treasure every memory of you, every smile, the kisses and caresses, our crazy things and the nonsense that we did together, our jokes and silly jokes, our cries and calls for attention. You were always my superhero and my drive to become who I am. Thanks for life, dad. Thanks for your example. Thank you for loving me and making me happy. Thank you for giving me words of support in difficult times. Thank you for hugging me and being there for me always.

The road will be very long and lonely without you. You were and will be my beacon and my compass. You guided me and you will always continue to do so. As we meet again, I will continue to love, think, and miss you with deep love and gratitude.

Thanks for your example. Thank you for loving me and making me happy. Thank you for giving me words of support in difficult times. Thank you for hugging me and being there for me always

In your absence we will take care of my mother. Your Rosita, our beloved Tata, will continue to be the center of the house. And our promise is to love her, protect her, and thank God for receiving her love for her children and grandchildren.

Have a good trip, my father. Rest in peace. I adore you, I send you a huge hug and a big kiss from here to heaven. May the light of your thought guide me always.

