Danna García denounces her neighbors when she is attacked for her illness


The Colombian actress Danna García could not bear the abuse and assaults from his neighbors having been diagnosed with the virus, she decided denounce them publicly in front of social networks.

Danna couldn’t keep quiet anymore and revealed the unpleasant moments that has had to happen because of the virus that returned to her.

The actress since her beginnings with the disease has tried to keep your followers informed but in recent days unfortunately he has not only had to deal with it but also with his neighbors.

It may interest you: Danna García is transferred to the emergency hospital due to the coronavirus

It was through his official account of Twitter that the actress of Pasión de Gavilanes shared that she has even been prohibited from using the elevator where he lives.

It is in these moments of crisis that people meet. In my own flesh I live being harassed by my neighbors by the virus, ”wrote the actress.

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This is how García confessed that the problem in your lungs he had been older because he had to use the stairs.

Today I had another test of covid. They deliver it the other week. But since the neighbors won’t let me use the elevator, I went down and climbed asphyxiated from so many stairs because of my lung problem… Ufff, without words, ”she wrote.

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Danna García again performed a new analysis to find out if it still carries the virus in your body, but you still have to wait a few days to know the results.

Unfortunately, the Colombian actress has had to experience both situations in the first person these days, the disease and the misbehavior of the human being.

You can also read: Danna García returns positive to fearsome disease

Without a doubt, the fear and the ignorance about the virus have made thousands of people don’t want to be around from a person who has or has gotten the virus.

Danna raised her voice and has joined an important initiative that it’s called Chat between friendsWhich is an encounter Live which will take place this Sunday, April 26 for talk precisely from bullying in these times.
