Daniella Álvarez’s health status: now she has problems with her right foot – Entertainment – Culture


Without a splint on her right foot, Daniella Álvarez cannot move. Despite this, the former queen has ridden a bicycle, has gone to the sea to swim, has danced and has tried to get on with her life after part of her left leg was amputated (from the knee down).

In the last hours, the model and businesswoman also communicated with her followers through her Instagram account, to tell them that the nerves of the tibia and fibula were completely damaged. “The electromyography showed that he had a very serious injury from the knee down “Alvarez said.

“(…) Despite the fact that my right foot was in very good condition, it was not functional at that time and the doctors told me that with therapies, currents and exercises the safest thing was that it would recover.” it has not been so.

Last March, Álvarez she was operated on for a small tumor that appeared in her abdomen, which was very close to the aorta and this artery was affected, which prevented a good blood supply to his lower extremities. Although several interventions were made, there was no solution and on June 13, part of his left leg was amputated.

“Things are as they are and not as we would like them to be. This is the reality of life, but only when we believe in God, we have faith and hope we understand that everything happens for something. Today I know what my life mission is and I understood that God is making my task a little more difficult to be able to show many people that with what we have is more than enough to achieve what we propose“added Miss Colombia 2012.

“I am happy and calm because every day when I get up I decide to feel that way, because I am sure of my abilities and I know that I will go back to walking, dancing and doing sports because for God there is nothing impossible and he never leaves me. my rehabilitation together with the people who give their best every day to help me. Thanks to them and to you who give me so much love and motivation every day “.

Álvarez assured that she is calm and waiting to know what is next in her treatment.
