Daniela Legarda took the COVID-19 test and ruled out the symptoms


When presenting some symptoms, the influencer took the test and gave her followers peace of mind.

May 5, 2020 7:06 PMBy: canalrcn.com

After revealing to her followers in a video that she was the victim of psychological and physical violence due to a toxic relationship, Daniela Legarda further worried her followers by telling them that she suspected of being positive for coronavirus.

As mentioned by the youngest of the Legarda family, presented symptoms of headache and throat discomfort, so he turned to natural remedies but Her discomfort continued, and she even started to have chills and body aches.

With what is happening worldwide, Daniela Legarda’s family asked her to go to the doctor for tests and to rule out whether or not she has the virus in her body.

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Despite having called the clinic in Atlanta where they perform tests for Covid-19, and received in response that he did not have enough symptoms, Daniela went with her father, Fabio Legarda, to his medical control and even the test was performed.

After showing his followers and telling them that they had taken the exam, let her know she didn’t think she had the virus, but for his safety and that of his family it was better to get out of the doubt.

Moments later, he shared a photograph of the result in writing, where it is evident that he had negative Covid-19, so he wrote next to the image: “All good, thank God.”

Finally at home, Daniela Legarda let it be known that her symptoms persist but that she most likely has an infection in her throat, so it will assist the doctor and likewise keep its millions of followers informed.

Read also: Daniela Legarda spoke about the panic attacks that she suffers
