Daniel Coronell highlights Gustavo Petro as candidate, criticizes team


Although Daniel Coronell has assured that in the next elections he will not vote blank, but will do so against Álvaro Uribe, considers it premature to state which candidate or candidates from the left or center-left you like.

However, in statements to Pulzo, he dedicated a space of his analysis to Gustavo Petro and his followers. And it is striking that the first thing Coronell does is highlight the leader of Human Colombia as “a great candidate” that “is saying the most decisive things at the moment. He is the one who is putting the great topics of discussion on the table “.

“People can agree or disagree with him,” Coronell said, but stressed that issues such as “that there is broadcast [de billetes], that the vaccine be distributed in this way, that the energy model be the following … ” They are in the political conversation of recent months, which “has been structured fundamentally on what Petro says”.

Then he emphasized that “there is a theme that he [Petro] ignore, or like, and is that many of his supporters think that their only alliance is with themselves, and that everyone who is not with Petro is not worthy of being with them, and then that they are going to win by themselves. And that is a lie ”.

“This is an exercise in social networks where they spend it convincing the convinced,” added Coronell, and then made a curious metaphor: “Vulgarly said, it is a masturbatory exercise that they have: ‘Oh, how we grow, how we grow!’, And they reach a paroxysm”.

And it turns out that no, they are themselves talking to themselves”He added, and then issued a warning. “With that, if there are no strong alliances, there is no possibility of electoral victory. That is the big problem: that with Petro you cannot and without Petro you cannot”.

Coronell recalled that the left “has always had a cannibalistic vocation: In the 70s a movement called the National Opposition Union arose, and those who were Trotskyists joined with those who were the Moscow line, with those who were the Beijing line … They managed to put together a movement for the first time and at the moment they were already devouring among them”.

“Later, a movement called Firmes emerged, that tried to collect all that left from a centrist and liberal perspective, and they also finished it”, The journalist continued in his retrospective. “Later they tried to gather around a great liberal, who was Carlos Gaviria, a former judge of the Constitutional Court. He was the person who represented ethical values. They also finished it, starting with Petro”.

For Coronell, that “cannibal vocation” is at the same time “a minority vocation because the fact that they can only come together with themselves excludes the possibility of building coalitions, and it turns out that the axis of modern politics is the alliance of nuances. If you like, it is the equitable distribution of the disagreement ”.

“You never have everything you want, but you should tend to the minimum that you accept and the maximum to what you can achieve,” Coronell explained, and proceeded to a comparison with what Álvaro Uribe has done, according to him. “That which has been so complicated for the left has been child’s play for Uribe: it has always been able to put together these coalitions and it has always been able to have the center as a critical mass so that the country tilts to the right ”.

But, put in a scenario in which he had to choose between Tomás Uribe and Petro, Coronell said that he would prefer the leader of the Left. “If I had to choose between Tomás Uribe and Gustavo Petro, I would vote for Gustavo Petro”.
