Cuba alerts Colombia for possible ELN terrorist attack


Given these events, Defense Minister Diego Molano stated that the Military and Police Forces have the capabilities deployed in all the country’s territories to protect Colombians from any offensive by the guerrilla group against the population.

“We want to ratify to Colombians that this terrorist group is a group that we have declared as our objective, to prioritize its dismantling and guarantee the protection of all Colombians,” said the Minister of Defense.

For his part, the High Commissioner for Peace, Miguel Ceballos, pointed out that the official communication from the Cuban embassy confirms what the President of the Republic, Iván Duque, has always requested and is compliance with the international obligations of all countries against terrorist groups.

“Just as Cuba today warns that it was aware of the possible perpetration of a terrorist act against Colombia, it must also officially respond for the immediate surrender in extradition of the members of the Eln who are in Cuba,” Ceballos said.

The High Commissioner also highlighted that the eastern front, the same one that killed 22 young people in the attack on the General Francisco de Paula Santander Cadet School in January 2019, is the one that is being pointed out by Cuba itself as being the possible perpetrator of a terrorist act.

“This statement confirms the great division that exists in this Eln group. The eastern front insists on interposing itself in the real will for peace that must exist in this group in order to definitively cease the violence, that division is very clear, ”said Ceballos.

He told the ELN that it is “time to tell Colombians if it is a hierarchical organization or if they are lying to us, because otherwise we will not be able, in any way, to seek peace with a group that in addition to committing terrorist acts is divided and I could not answer for a peace process ”.

Ceballos said that the National Government will continue to insist on the extradition of the members of the ELN, while the Public Force continues to guarantee the safety of all Colombians in the face of threats that were warned by Cuba.
