And so they will work for a long time and the coffee will be taken to the houses and offices, when the quarantine in various sectors is over.
Questioned by CM & on whether the stores could disappear in Colombia, Roberto Vélez, president of the National Federation of Coffee Growers, explained that he does not believe this, but it is necessary to do a job to reinvent this consumer business from home outside the home .
“Coffee consumption: 2 thirds is done at home and one third outside the home. That consumption outside the home today is almost at zero because the stores are closed, the hotels are closed and the restaurants are closed. You have to do something to make the coffee have a presence again, “Velez explained to that newscast.
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Faustino Asprilla made the announcement on his Twitter account, where he shared a video in which the woman herself, identified as Emilse, tell the drama you are living.
u201cMy husband died 2 years ago and I was unable to take my son to his appointments in Pasto with the psychiatrist, which are of utmost importance. I do sewing and there is no one to buy even a face mask. We live on this ranch and when it rains everything gets wet u201d, I relat u00f3.
Accordingly, the popular u2018Tino u2019 trin u00f3: u201c Please help me locate Do u00f1a Emilse, thank you u201d.
In this way, Asprilla continues to show solidarity, since days ago I sent money and a market to a fish vendor from Choc u00f3 that he showed his despair in various media due to the lack of aid to cope with the quarantine.
Ac u00e1, the publication of u2018Tino u2019 and the video of the woman:
u2014 Faustino Asprilla (@TinoasprillaH) May 13, 2020
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u201cWe are a guild that has been closed since March 20. We have already been completely closed for two months; we are in a critical situation, we need the government to freeze the leases u201d, said one of the traders, who was not identified, in a video broadcast by RCN News. u00a0 u00a0
The man expressed his discontent as he the lack of customers in the technology mall is playing tricks on them, and to top it off, neither the realtors nor the insurers want to help them. u00a0 u00a0
u201cThey are leases of between 2 million and 15 million, we have been closed for two months now and they do not give us any solution, there are the real estate agents and the insurers, none pays attention to us, u00f1ad u00f3 in that newsletter. u00a0 u00a0
Similarly, They ask that a substantial modification be made to the leases for the next few months, since, according to them, the trade will not be reactivated soon u201d, added Caracol Radio. u00a0 u00a0 u00a0
The final request of the affected merchants was to allow the gradual reopening of this shopping center., complying with the biosecurity norms that are established, this station pointed out. u00a0 u00a0
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Merlano is absolutely right: journalists endorse her, but did they u2026 u00bfive her video?" , "facebook": "" She ends up paying the duck herself and not the one who puts the video to circulate u201d. "," seo ":" Journalists support the claim of A u00edda Victoria Merlano "}," phrases ": {" main ":" The members of the Caracol Radio panel commented on the angry (and justified) statement of the young woman, who reproached whoever broadcast a sexual recording. 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In a video that was published on Instagram, the daughter of the former ex-congresswoman A u00edda Merlano went off at the ready against the person who made public some images for which she received messages in which they asked her if she was the one who appeared in the material that went viral.
Parts of the video recorded by Victoria Merlano to explain if she was indeed the one who appeared in the sexual recording were published by Caracol Radio to give way to the opinions of the journalists of that station.
u201cThere is a violation of their privacy and those who really should be at this time in the public arena were those who published and shared that video, especially the couple with whom [ella] Recorded, reproached Darcy Quinn. u201cIn the privacy of all of us because we are supposed to rule. This is a crime, typified, in addition. Pursued by the Prosecutor u00eda u201d.
u201cS u00ed, and ends up paying the duck herself and not the one who puts the video to circulate u201d, added the director of the news u20186 AM Hoy por hoy u2019, Gustavo G u00f3mez.
With his brief comment, he gave way to M u00e1bel Lara, who also expressed his opinion: u201cAll the reason. What she does with her private and sexual life is inconsequential to the country. However, what you are arguing is very true. Who should answer is who records the video because it violated a norm. If it were another scenario in which it was not A u00edda Victoria Merlano, the daughter of A u00edda Merlano, then she violated an agreement between the two, private, secret u201d.
u201c u00c9l should respond u201d, added, bluntly, Lara. u201cAnd that double standard that we Colombians have, in addition, to end the dignity of the women that supposedly appear in videos, and we began to rotate, to rotate with that morbidness. This time, she is absolutely right about what her sexuality and her relationship means. U201d.
The jurist Hernando Herrera also participated in the conversation, although with a very realistic nuance. Absolutely blameworthy. I agree with what Darcy and M u00e1bel have pointed out. A woman and a man have every right in the privacy to trust and additionally not to betray them. And that typifies irregular conduct u201d.
u201cBut we must not forget that Mrs. A u00f1da Victoria Merlano has several facets. This is one. And this is your privacy. But the other facet is precisely that which has to do with his eventual collaboration in his mother's escape. That is a fact that I would like to highlight, because these events sometimes erase the other, and the other was supremely serious u201d a u00f1adi u00f3 Herrera.
However, G u00f3mez told him: u201cBut one thing is one thing and another thing is something else u201d.
u201cOf course u201d, Herrera admitted: u201c One thing is the solidarity generated by the fact of the irregular distribution of this video and another the possible responsibility that she might have in the escape of her mother u201d.
However, there remains a doubt as to whether the journalists saw the entire video of A u00edda Victoria Merlano, since they take it for granted that it is hers and that her partner was the one who viralized it.
The young woman clarifies at minute 5:28 of his video (from 6:34) which is not her. Lastly and here is the answer, which is what they came to: no, I am not the one in the video. And in my life there would have been no difference if it had been me, he said.
She also said that behind that video, there is a person who is having a really bad time, with whom she says she communicated on the phone. u201cHas a family that is suffering, and suffering a lot [u2026], that he is having to suffer the consequences of an act that was not harming anyone and that, apart from that, is old.
However, everyone is right: she and the journalists who support them, in this case.
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He did it with the u2018good vibe u2019 that he usually exhibits on Instagram, because, despite everything, the ex-participant of u2018Masterchef u2019 has calmly taken what happened to him when he skated, following the measures by the crisis by the coronavirus.
u201cMy fractured ankle and I wish you a good night u201d, was the text Isabella put on the snapshot of her plastered foot, but also a u2018post u20f3 that reads: u201cDon't break anything. Especially their hearts. ud83d ude0b u2763 ufe0f u201d.
The famous also went up a video in which it is seen how it was that accident u00f3 and about which he mentioned the issue of u2018metpapa u2019 in the u201calcantarilla u201d. Also, a shot of her swollen ankle, before it was plastered.
Those images are no longer available in his account, but were replicated by another that usually posts celebrity information.
Here we leave the photo of Isabella's foot in a cast, as well as the recording of the incident and the snapshot of his swollen ankle. u00a0The shots appear on carousels: the first one, also includes the traditional memes that Isabella is used to publishing, and the second one only has the accident.
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The member of the program u2018Blue mornings u2019 He recalled that the event of the 3 naval gunships that passed from the Meta river to the Orinoco, in the department of Vichada, until reaching Venezuelan territory for not being well restrained It is not the first time that a poorly secured rope is blamed.
u201cThis reminded me of the tragedy when 2 soldiers died in Medell u00edn because the rope on which they were hung was released of a helicopter and that the explanation was that the knot u201d was loosened, Ochoa referenced initially.
Then, he launched his attack: u201c u00bfBut who is it that taught them how to tie the knots to the military ?, u00bfqui u00e9n does that little curse? As they say out there: u2018Once it is learning and 2 times it is stupid, u2019, and there are 2 u201d.
Meanwhile, the columnist Felipe Zuleta He added in the same sense that that of the motorboats reaches the category of scandal: It is a bullshit of typical proportions;Everything that happened went wrong, like the stakes they put in and the terrain they chose. [para el amarre] u201d.
The boats were adrift when they were looked after by a single sentinel, Admiral Evelio Ram u00edrez, commander of the National Navy, reported in the same media.
Meanwhile, Jorge Arreaza, chancellor of the Nicol u00e1s Maduro regime, repeatedly warned that the boats are in the possession of his country and that he expects Colombia to request them; however, the Iv u00e1n Duque government does not have formal relations with the Chavista leadership, which is why Admiral Ram u00edrez estimated that nearly 600 million pesos were lost between ships and weapons.
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Cubau00a0se sumu00f3 a otros cuatro adversarios estadounidenses: Iru00e1n, Siria, Corea del Norte y Venezuela, que no obtuvieron la certificaciu00f3n en 2019 bajo una ley antiterrorista estadounidense que afecta las exportaciones de artu00edculos y servicios de defensa.
u201cEste es el primer au00f1o en queu00a0Cubau00a0ha sido certificada como no totalmente cooperante desde 2015u201d, dijo el Departamento de Estado en un comunicado.
El texto citu00f3 la presencia enu00a0Cubau00a0de negociadores de los rebeldes colombianos del Eln, que viajaron a La Habana en 2017 para sostener conversaciones de paz con el gobierno de Bogotu00e1, pero no han regresado.
u201cLa negativa deu00a0Cubau00a0a comprometerse productivamente con el gobierno colombiano demuestra que no estu00e1 cooperando con el trabajo de Estados Unidos para apoyar los esfuerzos de Colombia para garantizar una paz, seguridad y oportunidades justas y duraderas para su pueblou201d, dijo el Departamento de Estado.
El presidente Ivu00e1n Duque, aliado de Estados Unidos, interrumpiu00f3 las conversaciones con el Eln despuu00e9s de que un ataque con carro bomba en enero de 2019 en una academia de policu00eda de Bogotu00e1 matara a 21 cadetes e hiriera a mu00e1s de 60 policu00edas.
Los militantes han estado exigiendo, sin u00e9xito, que Colombia otorgue un salvoconducto para que sus negociadores regresen deu00a0Cuba.
La medida del Departamento de Estado tendru00e1 poco efecto pru00e1ctico enu00a0Cuba, que no importa armas de Estados Unidos, su archirrival desde hace seis du00e9cadas.
Pero esta certificaciu00f3n se suma a la creciente presiu00f3n del gobierno de Donald Trump sobreu00a0Cuba, que aleja a Washington de los esfuerzos de reconciliaciu00f3n con La Habana propiciados por su antecesor, Barack Obama.
Sublevado contra el Estado desde 1964, el Eln cuenta con unos 2.200 hombres en armas y una extensa red de apoyo en puntos urbanos de Colombia. Investigaciones independientes estiman que sus operaciones se extienden al 10% de los 1.100 municipios del pau00eds.
Esta guerrilla guevarista es considerada por el gobierno colombiano como el u00faltimo grupo rebelde en actividad, luego de que las extintas Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (Farc) alcanzaron un histu00f3rico acuerdo de paz con el gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos en 2016.
El Departamento de Estado tambiu00e9n acusu00f3 al gobierno comunista deu00a0Cubau00a0de albergar a varios pru00f3fugos estadounidenses de la justicia buscados por cargos de violencia polu00edtica.
Entre ellos, mencionu00f3 a la activista Joanne Chesimard, condenada por ejecutar al policu00eda estatal de Nueva Jersey Werner Foerster en 1973.
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var gFirtsArticle = {"id":"PP898032","titles":{"main":"Duro momento viven tiendas de Juan Valdez en Colombia; asu00ed funcionaru00e1n en pleno COVID-19","facebook":"Y tan bueno que era el cafecito allu00e1.","seo":"Crisis en las tiendas Juan Valdez por coronavirus"},"phrases":{"main":"Las tiendas de cafu00e9 colombiano estu00e1n frenadas por la cuarentena que ya completa 2 meses por la pandemia. Ahora piensan en la opciu00f3n de domicilios."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"economia","name":"Economu00eda"}},"urls":{"main":"/economia/crisis-tiendas-juan-valdez-por-coronavirus-PP898032"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"carlos.diaz","name":"Carlos Diaz"},"owner":{"id":"","name":"","image":"","profile":"","url":"","twitter":{"title":"","url":""},"urlFacebook":"","email":"","linkPersonal":"","teamPulzo":"","short_text":"","large_text":""}},"published":"1","type":"article","censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","ext":"jpg","created":"Mayo 13, 2020 11:57 am","updated":1589372123,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Juan Valdez","credit":"Juan Valdez / Instagram.","description":"","alt":"Juan Valdez","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"videos":{"main":{"image":"","url":"","title":"","embeded":""}},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","trinoTW":"","liveBlog":"0","shorthand":"","audio":"","tags":["Cafu00e9","Juan Valdez"],"sources":[{"title":"Cosecha de cafu00e9 no estu00e1 en peligro por crisis de COVID-19: Federaciu00f3n Nacional de Cafeteros","url":"","source":"CM&","fuente":"CM&"},{"title":"u00bfCu00f3mo hace Juan Valdez para proteger a sus 2.000 empleados mientras enfrenta crisis por coronavirus?","url":"","source":"Noticias Caracol","fuente":"Noticias Caracol"}],"related":[""],"body2":"nn
Y asu00ed funcionaru00e1n durante buen tiempo y el cafu00e9 seru00e1 llevado a las casas y oficinas, cuando se termine la cuarentena en varios sectores.
Interrogado por CM& sobre si las tiendas podru00edan desaparecer en Colombia, Roberto Vu00e9lez, presidente de la Federaciu00f3n Nacional de Cafeteros, explicu00f3 que no cree esto, pero su00ed es necesario hacer un trabajo para reinventarse este negocio de consumo de la casa por fuera de la casa.
u201cEl consumo de la cafu00e9: 2 tercios se hace en la casa y un tercio fuera de la casa. Ese consumo por fuera de la casa hoy estu00e1 casi en cero porque las tiendas cerradas, los hoteles estu00e1n cerrados y los restaurantes cerrados. Hay que hacer algo para que el cafu00e9 vuelva a tener presenciau201d, explicu00f3 Vu00e9lez a ese noticiero.
Ante esto, dice que Juan Valdez encontraru00e1 cu00f3mo redinamizar el consumo de cafu00e9. Sin embargo, enfatizu00f3 en que, por ahora, las tiendas no van a volver con el modelo que tenu00edan antes.
u201cEl modelo anterior de sentarse allu00ed, de gastarse un rato departiendo con alguien va a demorar un tiempo en regresaru201d, explicu00f3 el lu00edder de la Federaciu00f3n.
Cabe recordar que Juan Valdez fue una de las primeras empresas que anunciar pu00fablicamente que protegeru00eda el trabajo de sus empleados en medio de la crisis por el COVID-19. Camila Escobar, presidenta de las tiendas, dijo hace varias semanas que, pese a que el 100 % de sus tiendas estu00e1n cerradas, la operaciu00f3n en supermercados sigue abierta al pu00fablico.
u201cEn realidad, la situaciu00f3n es muy incierta y estamos aprendiendo a tomar decisiones en el du00eda a du00edau201d, dijo en abril pasado Escobar a Noticias Caracol.
Asu00ed mismo, informu00f3 sobre tres pilares que mantiene la empresa: solidaridad con sus trabajadores, austeridad y reinventarse.
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