Crisis in Edurbe: manager and several members of the board of directors resign | THE UNIVERSAL


This Thursday, March 4, engineer Uriel De Arco made his resignation official to the Bolívar Urban Development Company (Edurbe) before the board of directors.

In the letter, de Arco states that his decision is due to “the insistent threats of dismissal by Mayor William Dau Chamat, through the WhatsApp network as a result of the statements he delivered in the note published by this medium entitled “Tolls in Cartagena: Should we eliminate them or give them another use?” and the summons to an extraordinary board of directors for today at 3:00 in the afternoon whose main topic on the agenda is the “request for removal of the manager.”

“Now is the time, however, to clarify that my behavior (since my appointment and possession on October 30 to date) has been extremely ethical, professional, transparent, consistent and responsible, as it has been throughout the entire my professional career in these 20 years in which I have not had any fault to the codes of ethics and good Corporate Governance. And this was reflected in the special report sent to the district administration, with the aim of serving as input for making the right decisions on this issue as important for Cartagena society as it is, the completion of the road concession contract of the freight broker ”, reads the letter to which he had access The universal.

Added to the resignation of Uriel de Arco are the resignations of other members of the Company’s Board of Directors: Jaime Alberto Hernández Herrera, Edith Salas Osorio and Santiago Noero Arango.

Read also: Tolls and the contradiction in the calculations of the Internal Rate of Return

Jaime Alberto Hernández presents to William Dau his irrevocable resignation from the position as Principal Member without giving further details. For their part, Salas Osorio and Noero Arango state that they leave office to attend to personal matters.

The resignation of Uriel De Arco occurs in the midst of the complex situation generated after the process of fiscal responsibility carried out by the Comptroller General of the Nation for irregularities in the execution of the toll concession contract in Cartagena, signed between the District and the Concession Vial SA

Although a provisional agreement between the District, the Road Concession and the cargo transporters is still in force, so that the latter do not pay – for two months – the tolls that are in Manga and Ceballos, a report presented last Wednesday by Edurbe, who acts as supervisor of the contract, shows that the Internal Rate of Return had not yet been reached and that as of October 20, 2020 it was 16.86% (the agreed is 17.22%). Read details here: They will review Edurbe’s report that indicates that the IRR has not yet been reached

A fact that contradicts what was raised by the order of the Comptroller General of the Republic (CGR) presented in January, in which the largest fiscal control entity in the country indicates that the IRR would have been reached in 2015.

In this regard, the former official states: “I also want the freight corridor concession contract to end, but as Manager of the Edurbe company, supervisor of the contract, I had the responsibility of issuing an objective, responsible, ethical, professional, coherent report. and analytical, according to the contractual reality from the legal, contractual and financial point of view, without any type of bias and labor fears ”.

And he maintains, “I would be wrong to give you a concept that the IRR of the road concession contract had been fulfilled without having sufficient evidence to do so, especially those of a legal and contractual nature. I tried by all means to approach him, to explain it personally from the day after the appearance of the car 0020 of the CGR in the social networks, but this apparently, did not consider that my contribution could be important ”.
