Covid test is no longer mandatory to enter Colombia by air | Economy


The Government eliminated the requirement of the covid-19 test for travelers seeking to enter the country, taking into account that there is already a resolution that establishes pre-flight requirements.

(Read: What you should know about the protocol for international flights)

This was explained by Julián Fernández Niño, director (e) of Epidemiology and Demography, noting that among these requirements it is established not to present fever or respiratory symptoms associated with covid-19. “Similarly, passengers who have not previously filled out the Check-Mig application will be prevented from boarding. These provisions are made within the framework of the Sustainable Selective Testing, Tracking and Isolation (PRASS) strategy ”, he specified.

(Read: These are the protocols for international flights)

For their part, airlines must inform their passengers that when they arrive in Colombia they will be monitored by their insurer, the Ministry of Health or through the CCNR National Tracking Contact Center.

In the same way, these entities, as well as the airport operators, are committed to reminding their travelers that the use of a mask is mandatory for everyone over two years of age throughout the flight.
It is also specified that travelers should avoid using the bathroom as much as possible on flights of less than two hours. They must wear multiple masks to replace them during the trip and remain in the assigned seat during the flight time.

It is provided in the new administrative act that passengers must respond to the strict tracking and monitoring that will be carried out by the EPS or the Secretary of Health of the jurisdiction where they stay, therefore this measure applies to both nationals and foreigners.

In addition, people must report to these institutions if during the 14 days after their trip they present suspicious symptoms of covid-19 and follow the indicated measures, which will be paid for by travelers in case of not being insured.

It also establishes that passengers who plan to leave Colombia must enter the airport three hours in advance to board the flight, use the mask from entering the air terminal, during the flight and at the port of arrival; as well as knowing all the health requirements of the country of destination, such as quarantines or tests.

In this regard, Fernández Niño clarified that the requirement of tests in destination countries is not established by the government of Colombia, but rather they are provisions of each nation imposes and therefore must be fulfilled by travelers.

The new administrative act, which modifies Resolution 1627 of 2020, establishes as a requirement for airlines to designate an exclusive bathroom for the crew, as long as there are enough for the use of travelers and without generating agglomeration. In such a case, restrooms should be allocated based on the location of the passengers.

It is further defined that when there is room to distribute food, it must be done in sealed and prepackaged containers, and by location of letters on the aircraft to prevent passengers in the same row from eating at the same time. Furthermore, in the case of flights lasting less than two hours, airlines must refrain from carrying out service activities on board.

The obligation to clean and disinfect the inflight entertainment services after each flight is also defined; crew members are prohibited from sharing items used for safety demonstrations; and if a traveler has symptoms associated with covid-19, they should be isolated.
