Corpse found in garbage shut of a group in Bogotá


Police investigators collect evidence and testimonies to determine what happened to the 33-year-old economist Jaime Zamora, whose lifeless body was found in the garbage shut of the building where he lived in Bogotá.

The criminalistics group was alerted by the residents of the residential complex, who are astonished by the discovery of the body of one of their neighbors in a garbage can.

“Only they know. Hopefully they will find an adequate answer so that the rest of the people are aware of what is happening ”, says a resident of the sector.

Witnesses claim to have seen the economist at a meeting with friends in his apartment on Friday night. According to one of those attending the meeting, there was consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Zamora’s friend also told the Sijín investigators that the man had announced that he would go to the bathroom and after a while, when they missed him and searched for him, they did not find him anywhere. They thought, they say, that he was gone.

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It was only until the next day, Saturday at 7:15 a.m., when one of the cleaners who carried out the cleaning work in the basement toilet room found, inside a black bin, the corpse of the economist who worked in the area of ​​imports in a recognized airline.

The first analysis by this group of criminologists observes that there is no violent act. The investigation will continue”Commented Major Nohora Ñustes, commander of the Teusaquillo Police Station.

The main hypothesis is that Jaime fell through the garbage chute from the second floor and the authorities’ investigation is focused on determining whether the professional was thrown or it was an accident.

Noticias Caracol learned that the body had no visible external injuries and that the man had no criminal record.
