CORONAVIRUSES IN BOGOTÁ: Claudia López announces that it will close TransMilenio when it exceeds 35%.


The mayor ruled on the measures that will take effect this Monday, May 11 in the capital. Claudia López announces that she will close TransMilenio when it exceeds 35%.

The president announced an orange alert for the town of Kennedy, and a yellow alert for the rest of the city.

In the case of the orange alert, it implies living “like when we were in the drill.” In other words, leave when strictly necessary or urgent.

Precisely, last Saturday, the mayor toured this town, with a megaphone in hand, to explain to the citizens the importance of abiding by the measures, taking into account that Kennedy registers the greatest number of coronavirus cases. “We ask you, please, do not go out on the street if you do not need to, we will have small information and control posts, we have the support of the Public Force that will help us not only to do surveillance and pedagogy, but also the disinfection that some public places need “, he portrayed during the tour.


Claudia López announces that it will close TransMilenio when it exceeds 35%

As mentioned by the mayor in her speech this Sunday, TransMilenio’s capacity should not exceed 35%: “What happens if TransMilenio crowds ?, one day, two, maximum three, and we cannot control it, TransMilenio closes, we close it, because if we leave it open to a very high level of agglomeration, we shoot up the rate of contagion in this city ”

“When TransMilenio reaches 35%, or exceeds it, we close it”, he reiterated in his statement.


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