Coronavirus vaccine: Putin announces the registration of a second vaccine against covid-19 – Health


Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on Wednesday the registration of the second vaccine against covid-19, named EpiVacCorona, developed by the Véktor State Research Center for Virology and Biotechnology.

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“The Novovibirsk Center ‘Véktor’ today registered the second vaccine against coronavirus: EpiVacCorona”Putin said during a government meeting.

Putin stressed that, as with Sputnik-V, Russia will promote the second vaccine abroad and advocated that drug production be concentrated in those countries where it will be commercialized.

At the same time, he stressed that Russian vaccines against coronavirus must first meet all the needs of the domestic market and reach as many pharmacies as possible.

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“As far as I know, we have a third vaccine underway from the Chumakov center of the Russian Academy of Sciences,” he added, referring to the one that will enter its second phase of testing on October 19.

The Government announced that 40,000 volunteers will participate in the clinical tests of the second Russian vaccine in which 150 people “over 60 years” will participate.

“The appearance of the second vaccine increases the chances of vaccination among the population and, therefore, brings us closer to stabilizing and overcoming the problem of covid-19 infection,” explained Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Gólikova.

Anticipated that the first batch -60,000 doses- will be produced “shortly”.

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Golikova admitted that she and Russian health chief Anna Popova were vaccinated with EpiVacCorona and have not experienced “any side effects”.

“All the volunteers who took part in the first and second phases did not experience a temperature increase,” he stressed.

The first Russian vaccine, Sputnik V, was registered on August 11 and is currently in phase III trials, whose first results are expected in October or November.

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Regarding the pandemic situation, Gólikova admitted that “the situation is quite tense and complicated, but, despite everything, it is under control”.

According to the authorities, Russia registered 14,231 cases of covid-19 in the last 24 hours, a figure that follows the upward trend in infections in recent weeks.

In total, since the beginning of the pandemic, 1,340,409 cases have been detected in Russia, of which 23,205 have died after adding another 239 deaths.

Moscow, where the chronically ill and those over 65 have been advised to stay at home and telework is promoted, remains the country’s main infectious focus.

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In the last day, the Russian capital has registered 4,573 new cases of covid-19.

Regarding last week, the increase in infections throughout the country touched 26%, while in Moscow the increase was 31.7%.

However, the mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobianin, today ordered the return to schools of students from first to fifth grade after a two-week break, while the rest of the students will resume their studies at a distance.

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