Coronavirus vaccine: Colombia increases quota of people who will receive vaccine – Government – Politics


This Tuesday, in the daily program ‘Prevention y Acción’, President Iván Duque and the Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, announced that Colombia increased its quota in the Covax mechanism from 10 to 20%, the maximum capacity allowed to a country to the first round of distribution of vaccines against covid-19.

This means that the percentage of Colombians who will be able to access the vaccine once it is ready increases.

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“The decision we have taken in the Government is to increase from 10 to 20% of our population to join to access this vaccine once it is developed,” said the Head of State, who also assured that this does not “obstruct the negotiations bilateral relations with the pharmaceutical sectors of the world “.

In turn, Ruiz assured that this “It is an investment of more than 200 million dollars that the country will make to protect the population with the vaccine”. And she explained that, “to give a proportion, it is practically double what the total of the expanded immunization program that we regularly do in the country is worth.”

The Minister of Health also recalled that This Wednesday the first application of the vaccine project will be made to the first volunteer in Colombia as part of the clinical studies carried out by Janssen Laboratories in the country.

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What is Covax?

A few weeks ago, President Duque announced that Colombia signed the agreement with the Covax mechanism, which seeks to guarantee access for millions of people to safe and effective vaccines against the new coronavirus.

This mechanism is an alliance between different countries to be able to have access to safe and effective vaccines for covid-19 through agreements in which nations agree to purchase a specific percentage of doses.

“It is a global initiative aimed at collaborating with vaccine manufacturers, so that countries around the world have equitable access to safe and effective vaccines once they have been licensed and authorized,” explains the World Organization for the Health (WHO).

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Covax is co-led by the Coalition for the Promotion of Innovations for Epidemic Preparedness (Cepi), the Alliance for Vaccines (Gavi) and the World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with vaccine manufacturers from developed countries. and in development.

Your goal is distribute by the end of 2021 nearly 2 billion doses of safe and effective vaccines that have achieved WHO regulatory clearance or prequalification. These vaccines will be offered equitably to all participating countries, in proportion to their population. Health workers will be prioritized initially and then expanded to cover vulnerable groups, such as the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions.

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