Coronavirus vaccine | Colombia buys 9 million vaccines from Johnson & Johnson – Health


President Iván Duque reported on Wednesday that Colombia closed negotiations with the pharmaceutical company Janssen, a Johnson & Johnson subsidiary, for the purchase of nine million vaccines against covid-19.

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Today the agreement has been signed for the acquisition of 9 million vaccines for 9 million citizens, because unlike other vaccines this is a single dose ”, said the president.

Duque stressed that this agreement also allows reaching about 29 million Colombians and “In the next few days we will be closing agreements to reach everything that allows us to tell 35 million Colombians that they will be vaccinated.”

The Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, explained that these nine million vaccines will be destined for the same number of citizens, since Unlike other projects with this only one dose is necessary to immunize.

It should be remembered that this covid-19 vaccine project was tested in 4,218 Colombians between the ages of 18 and 60 as part of the phase III trials, which have not yet been published.

“There is already a purchase reserve for nine million Janssen vaccines”, affirmed the minister.

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In this way, Colombia reaches 49 million vaccines insured for the National Vaccination Plan against covid-19 that will begin next February.

Two weeks ago the purchase of 10 million vaccines from Pfizer / BioNTech and 10 million from Oxford / AstraZeneca was reported, that will serve 10 million people, as each of these biologics requires the application of two doses.

Likewise, Colombia has guaranteed another 20 million vaccines through the COVAX mechanism, promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and would arrive in the second half of 2021.

(Also read: The story behind a photo of doctors next to the bed of a woman with covid)

