Coronavirus: this is the new WHO guide to correctly use the mask


In this new document, the organization clarifies how it should be used indoors and during physical exercise, as well as explaining what types of fabric masks really work.

As part of the preventive measures to be taken at the end of the year holidays, the World Health Organization (WHO) decided to publish a new guide in which it explains the proper use of masks. Among the recommendations, the organization insists that non-medical masks should always be used by people in closed places such as shops, the work area and schools if there is no ventilation. (Read: Short guide to having safe and short interactions during the end of the year celebrations)

For outdoor spaces, the WHO continues to insist that cloth masks can be used or that they have three layers in case they cannot be stored at least one meter away. In addition, it advises people not to use mask with valves. “The danger is that if you wear a mask with a valve and you are infected, you could be expelling infected aerosols. It defeats the purpose of wearing a mask, ”said Michael Ryan, the Organization’s emergency director, in a statement.

These are the main recommendations of the WHO:

Using a mask around the house

– Wear face masks at home when there is a visitor who is not a member of the household and ventilation is known to be poor – such as limited opening of windows and doors for natural ventilation.

– Use a mask inside homes when there is a visitor and a physical distance of at least one meter cannot be maintained.

Wearing a mask during exercise

The WHO advises that people should not wear masks during vigorous-intensity physical activity as they can reduce the ability to breathe comfortably.

– The most important measure is to maintain a physical distance of at least one meter and ensure good ventilation during exercise.

– If the activity is carried out indoors, adequate ventilation must be guaranteed at all times by means of natural ventilation or a properly functioning ventilation system.

– Pay attention to cleaning and disinfection of the environment, especially high-contact surfaces.

– If these measures are not guaranteed, the temporary closure of public indoor exercise facilities such as gyms should be considered.

Use of masks in children

– Girls and boys under the age of five must not wear masks.

– The decision to put masks on girls and boys between 6 and 11 years old should be based on a risk approach such as the intensity of the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the community, the child’s ability to comply with the appropriate use mask and the availability of adequate adult supervision. (You can read: Colombia would buy 10 million COVID-19 vaccines from the pharmaceutical company Pfizer)

– Adolescents and adolescents 12 years of age and older should follow the same instructions that are given to adults.

WHO emphasizes that special considerations are required for immunosuppressed girls and boys, for pediatric patients with cystic fibrosis or certain other diseases (e.g. cancer), and for girls and boys with developmental disorders, disabilities or other specific health conditions that may interfere with wearing a mask.

Recommended non-medical face masks

The WHO recommends homemade fabric masks with a three-layer structure. Each layer has a function: An innermost layer of a hydrophilic material, an outer layer made of hydrophobic material, and a hydrophobic intermediate layer that has been shown to improve filtration or retain droplets.

Industrially manufactured fabric masks must also meet minimum thresholds related to the three essential parameters: filtration, breathability and fit.

Additionally, the organization advises against exhalation valves because they bypass the filtration function of the cloth mask, rendering it useless.


Masks, visors or masks they provide a level of eye protection only and should not be considered an equivalent to masks for protection against respiratory droplets. In the context of unavailability or difficulties in the use of a non-medical mask (in people with cognitive, respiratory or hearing impairments, for example), face shields can be considered as an alternative, noting that they are inferior to masks in terms of transmission and prevention.

How to properly use masks?

– Wash your hands before putting on the mask.

– You check the mask for any hole and do not use it if it is damaged.

– Apply the mask carefully, making sure it covers the mouth and nose, adjust it to the nasal bridge and tie it firmly to minimize any space between the face and the mask. If you wear earmuffs, make sure they don’t intersect, as this widens the space between your face and the mask.

– Avoid touching the mask while wearing it. If the mask is accidentally touched, you should wash your hands.

– Remove the mask using the proper technique. Do not touch the front of the mask, untie it from behind. (Also read: Coronavirus: Who should get vaccinated first ?, the world debate)

– Replace the mask as soon as it gets wet.

– Discard the mask or place it in a clean resealable plastic bag where it will be stored until it can be washed and cleaned. Do not tuck it around your arm or wrist or pull it down to rest around your chin or neck.

– Wash immediately after disposing of the mask.

– Do not reuse single-use masks and dispose of them properly.

– Don’t take off your mask to speak.

– Do not share your mask with other people.

– Wash fabric masks with soap or detergent and preferably with hot water (at least 60 ° Celsius / 140 ° Fahrenheit) at least once a day. If it is not possible to wash the masks in hot water, wash the mask with soap / detergent and room temperature water, and then boil the mask for 1 minute

The WHO highlights that in addition to the mask there are other prevention and control measures such as constant hand washing, physical distance of at least one meter, avoiding touching the face, covering when coughing or sneezing, adequate ventilation in indoor environments, carrying out testing, contact tracing, quarantine and isolation. (You may be interested: An anomaly to explain: Why does China report so few cases of coronavirus?)
