Coronavirus survivor wanted to donate plasma and the doctor rejected it for being homosexual


Emiliano Ivaldi is a 29-year-old Argentine man who suffered from COVID-19 firsthand and, after recovering, suffered a much worse virus: homophobia.

Aware of the plasma treatments to treat the coronavirus, he attended the Eva Perón hospital in the Argentine city of Granadero Baigorria, where he suffered a rejection due to his sexual condition.

There he met with a doctor. “The doctor ended the interview, did not finish the questionnaire. It was the determining factor in rejecting me as a plasma donor. He told me that there are certain infections that have a window period of one year to manifest themselves and more in homosexuals, because we have dangerous, high-risk relationships“Emiliano recounted.

See here your complaint.

Affected by what happened, the young man regretted that “Discrimination based on sexual orientation continues to be a common practice for many dinosaurs. Until when?”

Emiliano Ivaldi stated that he will file a complaint with the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism of his country, since on other occasions he had been a blood and platelet donor to cancer patients and they had not posed any problem due to his sexual orientation .
