Coronavirus | Solidarity Income: how to collect the fourth draft if I have not received it yet?


The Solidarity Income program is an economic support that the National Government provides to households that are in conditions of poverty and economic vulnerability and that have been severely hit by the emergency caused by the coronavirus as of March 2020. The benefit received by those who are part of this aid, which they cannot receive families that are registered for subsidies such as those offered by Families and Young People in Action or the refund of VAT, is 160,000 pesos per month that will be consigned until December of this year.

So far in 2020, a total of four transfers have been made, which began in April, when the emergency unleashed by Covid-19 spread. For this, people had to enter the page of the Social Prosperity department where they had the possibility to check with their identification number if they were a beneficiary; When confirming this, the entity gave him the information of the bank or the channel through which said payment would be made.

What to do if I do not receive the fourth draft?

Despite implementing this mechanism, there are several people who have problems when withdrawing their Solidarity Income, since some still do not receive it. The director of the DPS, Susana Correa, assured that those who are waiting for this new aid are around 700,000 beneficiaries To whom their money will be consigned during the week that begins next Monday, August 31 and ends on Friday, September 4.

“Today we continue working tirelessly to ensure that all program beneficiaries can receive the resources in the framework of this COVID-19 emergency and resolve all the problems they have had to claim their money transfers. Therefore, We will issue the fourth payment and the other accumulated transfers to the households located in the municipal intake starting the week of August 31, ”said the leader, who pointed out that this payment will arrive as it has normally been done so far and made a call for people who are not banked, that is, who withdraw the money through channels other than financial entities.

“To unbanked beneficiaries, who have had rejections from financial entities in their previous payments or who were contacted in the active search process, the entity will make the fourth payment through money order, and from Social Prosperity they will be sent a text message with the notification for the payment through the window through Banco Agrario, Banco Caja Social or Bancolombia ”, says the entity that, finally, asks people not to change their cell phone number in order to continue granting them aid.

All against the coronavirus

By following these recommendations, we prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in our country: 1. Wash your hands frequently, 2. Do not greet people with kisses or handshakes, 3. If you cough, cover your mouth with a bent elbow or with a tissue, 4. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and your mouth, 5. If you have a fever or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention, but first call line 123, 6. Follow the instructions of local and national authorities.

Likewise, the Ministry of Health developed an application for the cell phone that allows to follow what is happening with COVID-19 in the country. CoronaApp is available for free for download on Android and iOS devices.

And remember, stay home!
