Coronavirus patient 41 in Santander recovers in Arauca


“I am sorry to inform you about a new case in Santander, it is a 47-year-old man in Villanueva, who had the test done at his workplace and tested positive. An epidemiological fence is already being carried out for the tranquility of those people who had contact in recent days. I want to ask the people of Santander to maintain the measures, we cannot fall into confidence but continue working to prevent further contagion, “said Santander Governor Mauricio Aguilar.

According to the newsroom, the man, asymptomatic, remained in Villanueva where he is from, until last May 4 when he traveled to Arauca to resume his work.

Upon arrival in the llanera capital, before reintegrating themselves into their activities, they carried out screening, a rapid test which gave a positive result for Covid-19.

Given this, this Saturday, a team from the Ministry of Health will travel to Villanueva in order to carry out an epidemiological siege on people who had contact with the 47-year-old man.

The Municipality of Villanueva announced a mandatory curfew until a new order, “a measure that applies to the entire municipality, this due to an alleged case of Covid-19 with a person who is in the department of Arauca and who is a native of the municipality. We call for calm to the entire population. ”

In total, 41 infected by the coronavirus have been identified, of which 33 have recovered and three have died. In other words, there are only five patients with the active virus in the department.

Where are the recovered ones?

The ages of the 33 recovered range between 20 and 80 years of age, 14 are men and 19 are women. Most are in Bucaramanga (15 recovered), followed by Floridablanca (9), Barrancabermeja (5), Cimitarra (2), Curití (1) and Concepción (1

As for the country, on Friday afternoon, the Ministry of Health confirmed that in the last 24 hours 595 tests were positive for Covid-19. With these new cases the number of infected people rose to 10,051. In addition, it was known that 21 patients died and another 124 recovered.

This means that the people who have lost their lives in Colombia are already 428. Meanwhile, the patients who managed to overcome the disease are already 2,424 in the country. This Friday 4,387 tests were carried out.

Deceased (21):

-Man in Cartagena, 84 years old. Comorbidities: HT and chronic kidney disease

-50-year-old woman in Cartagena. Comorbidities: ex-smoker

-61 year old man in Bogotá. Comorbidities: Behce syndrome

-44-year-old woman in Barranquilla. Comorbidities: HIV

-91 year old man in Buenaventura. Comorbidities: chronic kidney failure and malnutrition

-A 81-year-old man in Leticia. Comorbidities under study

-79-year-old man in Cali. Comorbidities: coronary heart disease, HT

-A 81-year-old man in Cali. Comorbidities: diabetes, insulin dependent, HT, hypothyroidism and prostate cancer

-79-year-old man in Leticia. Comorbidities under study

-41 year old man in Dibulla, La Guajira. Comorbidities: liver disease under study, myelodysplastic syndrome under study and suspected leptospirosis.

-51 year old man in Leticia. Comorbidities: obesity

-56-year-old man in Bogotá. Comorbidities: obesity

-41-year-old man in Bogotá. Comorbidities: obesity

-31-year-old woman in Bogotá. Comorbidities: morbid obesity

-Woman of 65 years in Tumaco. Comorbidities: asthma, coronary heart disease, HT

-93-year-old woman in Bogotá. Comorbidities: Epoc

-A 83-year-old man in Cali. Comorbidities: diabetes, chronic kidney failure

-72-year-old woman in Santa Lucía, Atlántico. Comorbidities under study

-A man of 82 years in Cartagena. Comorbidities: HTA and Epoc

-70-year-old woman in Cúcuta. Comorbidities: HTA

-72-year-old woman in Cartagena. Comorbidities: diabetes and obesity
