Coronavirus in Tolima: accuses Dimayor of pressure to play with Atlético Nacional | Colombia News | Colombian Soccer | BetPlay League


Just hours before the ninth date of the 2020 League is played in Colombia, a major scandal was set up due to a curious case of coronavirus in Deportes Tolima. The posh team carried out covid-19 tests on its entire staff and coaching staff; As reported by the Ibagué club, the first tests yielded a result of 20 positive cases, but in second tests they were reduced to 13 cases of contagion.

In less than 24 hours, there were players who went from positive to negative. It went from 11 to 7 infected soccer players, as well as from 8 to 6 cases in the coaching staff. With these eventualities, Tolima announced that he will have to travel to Medellín to play by order of Dimayor.

This Friday at dawn, the pijao club will travel to the capital of the mountain to play the same day against Nacional, “forcing us to breach article 61 of the regulations, generating a high risk for the health of the squad and that of our opponents” .

Thus, Deportes Tolima announced that it will play the game under protest, making clear “the danger that Dimayor’s decision represents and we delegate all responsibility to its administration.”

“Dimayor had not contemplated a situation like the one present in the protocol, and unfortunately full compliance with the calendar is prevailing and not the health of the protagonists.”
