Coronavirus in Santander: Interview with María Claudia Peñuela, exreina infected with covid-19 – Santander – Colombia


María Claudia Peñuela Cornejo, is the former Miss Santander who was isolated for 44 days in a luxurious hotel in Bucaramanga, after her coronavirus test came out positive.

He arrived from Madrid on March 13 and since then he preferred to stay at the hotel so as not to risk his parents who are over 70 years old.

Five days later his test for covid-19 was positive, since then he started a legal dispute with the hotel and EPS asking for decent treatment.

After 44 days, she left the hotel after three tests were negative and EPS declared her as a patient recovered from the virus.

When he tried to enter his residence in the Cabecera neighborhood, he was unable to do so by an order from the administrator, according to what the security guard of the building is heard saying in an audio that María Claudia revealed to EL TIEMPO.

In an interview with this medium, María Claudia speaks for the first time about what she lived through and what awaits her with the criminal process she is carrying out after being accused of allegedly violating sanitary measures.

How did you live those 44 days?

They were very hard, difficult and eternal days. To the anguish of suffering the contagion of an unknown and potentially deadly virus in the solitary confinement of a hotel room where some days I felt faint due to the fever of 39.5, vertigo and the total loss of the senses of smell and taste , added the unjustified social lynching that I was subjected to on social networks.

It is a difficult situation to believe because surely for many it would seem like a horror movie that they will only be able to see on their screens, but in my case I live it firsthand. None of the almost 4 million infected in the world seek to be protagonists of this pandemic.

These 58 days of Calvary, and which are not yet over, because I still cannot enter my home, have served me to see how in this crisis of the covid-19 the worst and the best of the human being has been exacerbated, on the one hand, those who expose their lives to care for and care for the sick and on the other hand those who fall like birds of prey from their social networks to attack, attack and massacre the victims.

Also read: Know where and how you can get tested for covid-19 in your city

Many things have been said about his situation. What is said is a lie?

Many lies were told, that I arrived ill in the country, that I infected 7 hotel employees, that I made exaggerated claims, that exposed the healthiness of the hotel, that I went out to do turns in the banks. The truth of the matter is that I submitted a guardianship brief without economic pretensions, the sole purpose of which was to be treated with dignity, and to be provided with basic health and accommodation services, not to be bothered by the sounds of hammers, drills and Clubs, that the food service will not be cut off, the Internet in others.

The costs of my isolation carried out at the Hotel Dann de Bucaramanga for 44 days were paid by me. It was also evident from the tests carried out on the hotel employees that none of them was infected.

Maria Claudia Peñuela

María Claudia spent 44 days isolated in a hotel in Bucaramanga.

They accuse her of violating sanitary norms. How is the process going?
I don’t know

I don’t knowThe criminal process is in the investigation stage, evidential material elements were attached to help confirm that I did not violate any sanitary measure, much less spread. In the authorities and in the media, confusion arose over the contents of the Resolutions of the Ministry of Health. In the imagination of the people it was left that the passengers who arrived in the country from abroad should stay in Bogotá quarantining in accordance with Res 380 of March 10. They do not know that this was modified on March 12 by Res 385 that allowed travelers who were not from Bogotá to continue to our final destinations to quarantine in our homes or in hotels, That was what I did responsibly.

How was it in an incident with the building administration?

I was not allowed to enter after having spent 44 days doing a quarantine that exceeded the times required by the WHO, and despite having the authorizations of the Secretary of Health, to carry 3 negative tests for covid-19 and to be accompanied of experts on biosafety issues. I still can’t enter and I had to celebrate Mother’s Day without being able to hug mine.

As a result of the mishap with the administration of the building, which in fact is illogical to be treated in that way for being a patient who passed the covid-19 and being married, when article 83 of the Civil Code indicates or allows the plurality of addresses and despite My home is still in the building until I am married.

Because of the above, I had to get accommodation, which, for obvious reasons, I will keep in reserve. However, this does not constitute a violation of sanitary measures.

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What is your life like now?

My ordeal is not over yet, I am still away from loved ones and awaiting a favorable decision of justice to close this entire chapter of my life, but with the satisfaction of having survived the covid-19 thanks to my spiritual strength and support virtual permanent of my family and some friends.

I want to leave a final recommendation to combat this virus, it should not only be accompanied by a mask, social distancing and a good handwash with all protocols, but above all, most importantly, wash hearts so that feelings of solidarity, kindness, tolerance and charity, so lacking in this difficult moment of our humanity and that have turned the covid-19 pandemic into an Epidemic of Human Ignorance.

