Coronavirus in Colombia today, January 1: figures and main news


The pandemic begins the year with a record number of almost 14,000 deaths a day and in Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, they celebrated the arrival of 2021 en masse. In Colombia, the Ministry of Health reported 12,105 new cases of coronavirus and 282 deaths this Friday, January 1st.

Today, January 1, the Ministry of Health reported 12,105 new cases of coronavirus and 282 deaths. With these figures, the country reaches a total of 1,654,880 confirmed cases since the pandemic began and 43,495 deaths. The number of people recovered is 1,520,548. (Read: Coronavirus in Colombia today, December 31: figures and main news)

The pandemic begins the year with a record number of almost 14,000 deaths a day

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported today, January 1, 13,997 deaths in the last 24 hours, the highest number in a year of the COVID-19 pandemic, so the total number of deaths since the beginning of the health crisis amounts to 1.8 million. The cases are close to 82 million, 693,000 of them registered in the last day, an increase compared to previous days but which has not yet reached the record figure of December 20 (841,000 infections in one day).

America, which reported 6,300 deaths on the last day of 2020, adds 858,000 deaths, while Europe registered 5,900 deaths and adds 582,000 since the start of the pandemic. The United States continues to be the country with the highest number of deaths (335,000), followed by Brazil (193,000), India (148,000) and Mexico (124,000).

The United States exceeds 20 million cases of coronavirus

The United States adds more than 20 million cases of COVID-19, Johns Hopkins University reported this Friday in its real-time count, as the new year begins with a new milestone that reveals the country’s difficulties in quelling the virus.

The country registers a total of 20,007,149 cases and 346,408 deaths so far, the Baltimore-based university said (east), which places it as the most affected in the world by the pandemic and with the highest number of deaths.

Last Wednesday alone, more than 3,900 people died of covid-19 in the United States, a new daily high, and experts believe the worst is yet to come as healthcare workers prepare for a new wave of cases and deaths. after the meetings for Christmas and New Years. More than 125,000 people are currently hospitalized for coronavirus – another record – according to the Covid Tracking Project.

Fines and several massive parties in France for the celebration of the new year

The French forces of order carried out 45,400 controls during New Year’s Eve and imposed 6,650 fines for not respecting the night curfew imposed to try to stop the advance of the coronavirus, on a night marked by the celebration of several clandestine parties, one of them with close than 2,500 guests in Brittany.

The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, detailed the figures for the day in a statement today and stressed that the curfew was respected in particular in Paris, a city that usually stars in concentrations and riots. The controversy centered on this occasion in a “rave” in Brittany (west) that brought together about 2,500 people, according to the prefecture, and which lasted even today due to the inability of the police to end the meeting .

In order not to put participants at risk and avoid a stampede, by half an hour on Friday afternoon the party had not yet been dissolved, according to BFM TV, it could only be cordoned off to prevent new participants from joining. . Other clandestine parties with several hundred people were evicted in Marseille and in Chelles, on the Parisian periphery.

Wuhan celebrated the arrival of 2021 en masse

From early afternoon, floods of people crowded the city’s 11 million subway to reach the Jianghan pedestrian street, the scene of an agglomeration that surprised the residents themselves. “I have not seen so many people together for years, it is very exciting to see Wuhan like this,” said the young Yao, who was walking along with his girlfriend along that commercial road, where there were queues to enter shops and restaurants. Most were young people without fear of contagion – Wuhan added his last case of COVID by local transmission in mid-May – and “wanting to make up for lost time,” he added.

Five, four, three, two, one … the thousands of people gathered in the square counted expectantly and loudly every second before midnight arrived. Then, the attendees congratulated each other and released thousands of balloons with different shapes and colors – most of them, hearts – in unison to welcome 2021. After the “chimes”, the Wuhan people hugged and took selfies of rigor to share them on social networks. For some, it was the end of the night, but for others the revelry had just begun: some clubs were already sold out.
