Coronavirus in Colombia today, December 26: figures and main news


Today, December 26, the Ministry of Health reported 10,196 new cases of coronavirus and 253 deaths. Santander entered a red alert and an intensive care bed occupancy close to 100%.

Today, December 26, the Ministry of Health reported 10,196 new cases of coronavirus and 253 deaths. With these figures, the country reaches a total of 1,584,903 cases since the pandemic began and 41,943 deaths. The number of people recovered is 1,444,041.

Bogotá continues with the Peak and Cédula

The peak and ID, as a measure to reduce the movement of people in the city, will continue to rule normally until January 15. For this Saturday, December 26, those with an even number (2, 4, 6, 8 and 0) will not be able to enter the establishments, while those with an odd digit will not have the restriction. Tomorrow, Sunday, December 27, the restriction will apply to those who have an ID ending in numberodd ero (1,3,5,7,9).

Santander on red alert

The governor of Santander Mauricio Aguilar Hurtado, said that the department “is going through a critical moment due to the pandemic because initially the curve was decelerating stable, and since the beginning of December it has risen, reaching a variation of + 35% in the last week, so a second peak is considered to occur ”.

According to the regional newspaper Vanguardia Libertal, the occupancy level of the Intensive Care Units is quite high: the Foscal Clinic in 100%, the Cardiovascular Foundation of Colombia (FCV) 92%, the Chicamocha Clinic 95% and the ESE Hospital University of Santander (HUS) 88%.

The countries that started vaccinating

(AFP) The European Union begins its anticovid vaccination campaign this Sunday. But other countries around the world are already advanced in that task. China was the first country to launch, since this summer, a vaccination campaign reserved for those most at risk (employees and students going abroad, caregivers). More than a million doses of Chinese experimental vaccines have been injected in the country.

Russia followed on December 5, when it began vaccinating at-risk workers with Sputnik V, the vaccine developed by the Russian National Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Gamaleya.

The UK was the first Western country to authorize the vaccine developed by the US-German alliance Pfizer-BioNTech. Its vaccination campaign began on December 8 and more than 600,000 people have already received the first of two doses of the vaccine, according to official figures.

In the West, Canada and the United States followed on December 14. Later Switzerland on the 23rd and Serbia on the 24th, all with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

In the Middle East, the United Arab Emirates were the first to launch their campaign with the Chinese Sinopharm doses on December 14 in Abu Dhabi, the capital. Also in the Emirates, Dubai began vaccinating on December 23 with doses of Pfizer-BioNTech.

Saudi Arabia and Bahrain began their campaign on December 17, Israel on December 19, Qatar on 23, Kuwait on 24. Oman is due to start its campaign on Sunday. All of these countries initially chose Pfizer-BioNTech.

Bahrain also injected doses of Sinopharm. Israel injected about 210,000 doses, Bahrain more than 50,000, according to official figures.

In Latin America, Mexico, Chile and Costa Rica began their campaign on December 24, with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines.

Jordan, Singapore, and Argentina also approved the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, but the start date for their campaign is not yet known.

Argentina has also authorized the Russian Sputnik V vaccine.
