Coronavirus in Colombia today December 25: figures and main news


Today, December 25, the Ministry of Health reported 14,941 new cases of coronavirus and 263 deaths. With these figures, the country reaches a total of 1,574,707 cases since the pandemic began.

Today, December 25, the Ministry of Health reported 14,941 new cases of coronavirus and 236 deaths, of which 209 belong to previous days. With these figures, the country reaches a total of 1,574,707 cases since the pandemic began and 41,690 deaths. The number of people recovered is 1,574,707.

Around the world: Cuba will require a PCR test for travelers after a record of covid-19 cases

Cuba will require a recent negative PCR test from all travelers arriving in its territory, after reporting a record number of 217 cases of covid-19 on Thursday, the local press announced on Friday.

“As of January 10, all travelers arriving in the country must carry a real-time PCR carried out, at most, 72 hours before by certified laboratories in the countries of origin,” said the official newspaper Granma.

The newspaper of the ruling Communist Party (PCC, the only one) highlighted that Cuba reported 217 cases of the new coronavirus on Thursday, including 101 imported cases, “the highest number of infections since the beginning of the epidemic” in March.

He also reported that this decision is part of a group of actions taken by the Cuban government “to increase containment measures against covid-19, with cases generated mainly by nationals from abroad.”

The world celebrates a particular Christmas, in times of confinement

Millions of people celebrated an unusual and soulless Christmas this Friday, marred by restrictions imposed in many countries to fight the pandemic, when what is needed “more than ever” is fraternity, according to the Pope.

“At this moment in history, marked by the ecological crisis and by serious economic and social imbalances, aggravated by the coronavirus pandemic, we need fraternity more than ever,” declared Francisco in his Christmas speech.

This Friday the Old Continent exceeded 25 million confirmed cases. Last week, Europe became the first region in the world with more than 500,000 deaths from covid-19.

Italy imposed new restrictions against covid-19 the day before during the Christmas and New Year period. It is the most affected European country, with almost 71,000 deaths and more than two million infections.

Churches were practically empty in South Korea and worshipers flocked online.

In the Philippines, a country with a Catholic majority, religious services were affected by a 6.3 magnitude earthquake, culminating a day with a ban on meetings and Christmas carols.

In the United States, where Covid-19 continues to wreak havoc with almost 3,300 deaths and 223,000 confirmed cases in 24 hours, Christmas Eve was marked by the pandemic.

Faced with the rebound in the pandemic in Brazil (the second most mourning country in the world with almost 190,000 deaths, behind the United States), the mayor of Rio de Janeiro will ban access to the neighborhood of the famous beach of Copacabana, to avoid crowds.
