Coronavirus in Colombia: This is the MinSalud infographic with the new cases of coronavirus in Colombia, today May 9.


The new report of cases of infected with coronavirus in the country has already been issued by the Ministry of Health. New cases of coronavirus in Colombia, today May 9.

There are 444 new cases registered for this Saturday, May 9, 2020. They also reported 17 deaths in the last hours.

The new cases were registered in:

  • In Bogotá there are already 4028 cases
  • The greatest growth occurred in Bogotá with 210 cases
  • There are already 2569 recovered
  • 5173 new tests were performed
  • The cases occurred in: Bogotá (210), Meta (63), Valle del Cauca (57), Cartagena (45), Atlántico (29), Barranquilla (11), Nariño (9), Caldas (6), Norte de Santander (3), Amazonas (3), Antioquia (2), Risaralda (2), Cundinamarca (2), Santander (1) and Cesar (1).

New cases of coronavirus in Colombia, today May 9

With this figure, there are already 10,495 cases of infection in total in the country. In addition, the total number of deaths from the virus is 445.

Detailed information on each of the cases may be consulted on the website provided for this purpose by the National Institute of Health:

This is the situation in Colombia:

This is the MinSalud infographic with the new cases of coronavirus in Colombia, today May 9.


Recommendations for keeping the coronavirus at bay:

In order to face this epidemic and minimize its spread, we must take responsible measures:

– Frequent hand washing or the use of gels or disinfecting substances if no washing is available.

– People with flu syndrome should stay at their place of residence. If they have to move, they must do so with masks and, if possible, in non-massive transport.

– The use of the mask is limited to people with flu syndromes or previous illnesses that warrant it. Caregivers of these people or health personnel.

– Take measures to limit physical contact in greetings, visits to people with respiratory syndromes, and minimize visits to crowded places.

– Remember that the most susceptible population is the elderly with whom we have to be alert to the signs they present: respiratory distress, fever that does not improve or deterioration of the general state. In addition, they should limit contact with people with influenza syndromes, crowds or massive events

– Remember that people from abroad or contacts with them who present with flu syndromes should go to the doctor or call the hotlines.

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