Coronavirus in Colombia summary figures of infections and deaths today May 8, 492944 – Health


A new report was delivered this Friday, May 8, by the Ministry of Health regarding the number of infected, victims and patients recovered by coronavirus in Colombia. According to the report, 595 new cases of infection and 21 deaths and 10,051 cases with infection were reported.

According to the Minsalud report, the 595 new cases are related as follows: Bogotá (225), Cartagena (93), Meta (76), Barranquilla (63), Atlántico (45), Valle (39), Amazonas (12) , Bolívar (8), Norte de Santander (6), Tolima (5), Antioquia (4), Cundinamarca (4), Magdalena (4), Cauca (2), Risaralda (2), Santa Marta (2), Córdoba (1), Quindío (1), Sucre (1), Santander (1) and La Guajira (1).

In the last 24 hours, 4,387 tests were processed and the total number of recovered patients is 2,424 recovered patients.

(You may be interested in: Peak and gender rises, and other changes for Bogotá from Monday)

(Also read: Tragedy in Santa Marta: covid-19 ended an entire family)

The list of the 21 deceased in the country is discriminated as follows:
-Man in Cartagena, 84 years old
Comorbidities: HT and chronic kidney disease
-50 year old woman in Cartagena
Comorbidities: ex-smoker
-61 year old man in Bogotá
Comorbidities: Behce syndrome
-44-year-old woman in Barranquilla
Comorbidities: HIV
-91 year old man in Buenaventura
Comorbidities: chronic kidney failure and malnutrition
81-year-old man in Leticia
Comorbidities under study
-79 year old man in Cali
Comorbidities: coronary heart disease, HT
-A 81-year-old man in Cali
Comorbidities: diabetes, insulin dependent, HT, hypothyroidism and prostate cancer
-79-year-old man in Leticia
Comorbidities under study
-41 year old man in Dibulla, La Guajira
Comorbidities: liver disease under study, myelodysplastic syndrome under study and suspected leptospirosis.
-51 year old man in Leticia
Comorbidities: obesity
-56 year old man in Bogotá
Comorbidities: obesity
-41 year old man in Bogotá
Comorbidities: obesity
-31 year old woman in Bogotá
Comorbidities: morbid obesity
-Woman of 65 years in Tumaco
Comorbidities: asthma, coronary heart disease, HT
93-year-old woman in Bogotá
Comorbidities: Epoc
-A 83-year-old man in Cali
Comorbidities: diabetes, chronic kidney failure
-72-year-old woman in Santa Lucía, Atlántico
Comorbidities under study
-A man of 82 years in Cartagena
Comorbidities: HTA and Epoc
-70-year-old woman in Cúcuta
Comorbidities: HTA
-72-year-old woman in Cartagena
Comorbidities: diabetes and obesity

Questions and answers about coronavirus

Where does the coronavirus come from?

His first appearance was at a seafood market in Wuhan, a city of 11 million people in China. Genetic sequencing studies have established that the closest ancestors of covid-19 were those found in bats and a type of snakes, which suggests that a hybrid was formed in a process similar to that experienced with the Sars virus. two decades ago. However, the exact origin and how the leap was made to adapt in humans is still being investigated.

Also read: Funeral homes investigated for alleged irregular charges for covid-19)

In what ways is the virus spread and what is its course?

Because the virus affects the airways, all secretions that come from there can pass it on to someone else. Sneezing, coughing, phlegm, and those that remain on your hands and on wet surfaces can contain it and pass it on to another person directly. Until now it has been calculated that the contagion capacity of the coronavirus is between 2 and 2.5 people for each infected.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the incubation period (time between infection and the appearance of symptoms) varies between 1 and 12 days. Chinese experts have found that people who are contaminated but do not have severe symptoms have a healing time of about two weeks, and those who are seriously affected recover within three to six weeks.

How long does the virus live on surfaces?

According to the WHO, it is not yet known how long 2019-nCoV (technical name of coronavirus) lives on surfaces, although preliminary information suggests that it can survive a few hours. A simple disinfectant can kill it and keep it from infecting. Respiratory viruses are known to tend to live longer in cold, wet conditions and less in warm environments.

What is your mortality rate?

According to the WHO, it has been possible to determine that in the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the epidemic originated, the death rate has been 2.4 percent so far, while outside that jurisdiction it is reduced to 0.7 percent.

Who are its main victims?

Currently, older people and those with pre-existing conditions (such as diabetes and heart disease) appear to be at increased risk of developing a severe form of the disease. In China, for example, although the majority of patients are between the ages of 30 and 69, the virus has affected people of all ages.

What does someone depend on survive?

For starters, covid-19 is not a highly fatal disease. What has been seen is that a good number of people can be compromised by the virus without realizing it, because they do not produce symptoms. Another majority group presents flu-like symptoms that quickly improve and a smaller group may face more severe pneumonia-like lung diseases, most of which are cured and a very small percentage of the latter may die (close to 3 percent within China and 0.7 percent outside that country).

The most affected people are usually those who are at the extremes of life (very young children or the elderly), who suffer from chronic diseases or suffer alterations that compromise their defenses. So the chance of survival is very high.

