Coronavirus in Colombia: prisoners drink alcohol that was to disinfect in Guaviare – Research – Justice


Between the end of April and the beginning of May, prisoners from the Municipal Prison of San José del Guaviare (Guaviare), in eastern Colombia, They asked the authorities to deliver sanitary items.

The request was made due to the current situation in the country due to the new coronavirus and the intention, it was supposed, was to prevent possible infections.

On May 4, each prison inmate was given a biosafety kit containing, among other items, antiseptic alcohol.

A day later, on Tuesday, May 5, the situation got out of control at the scene and all due to alcohol: the prisoners apparently mixed it with a powdered soft drink and drank it.

“They were in their cells and ingested the drink and a fight broke out between them,” Carolina Galeano, municipal staff of San José del Guaviare, told EL TIEMPO.

“The guards became aware of the scandal and went to the cells. Upon arrival, they confirmed that the prisoners were drunk and that one of them was the victim of attacks by the others, ”he added.

Galeano explained that the prison is not from Inpec, but from the municipal administration and that their budget is very low, so at the time of the events only two guards were present.

“The only thing they had to react was a pepper spray that, when applied, made the prisoners more violent. They had to wait for the police to come and give them a hand. ”

The San José del Guaviare prison has more than 130 prisoners

The beaten inmate was taken to the San José Hospital and assessed. His injuries were not serious and, after a few hours, he returned to prison.

“The director of the prison center, Justo Pastor Macías Urrea, took the corresponding disciplinary measures for the events.”

Galeano pointed out that the registered situation is very rare, since the prisoners of the Municipal prison, the only one in the department, are very calm.“95% of those incarcerated have roots in the Guaviare and know that if they misbehave they could be transferred or lose benefits, such as visits.”

So far, this part of the country has not been infected with coronavirus and visits to the prison due to the health emergency had been banned long before a national quarantine was declared.

On the other hand, the worker said that in the prison should only have people who are indicted, but who live in prison, and that, although its capacity is for 70 people, there are more than 130.

