Coronavirus in Colombia: Line Tunnel with possible massive contagion


An alert is reported within the work of the Line Tunnel, after several workers who are working within the engineering work presented a symptomatology similar to that evidenced, in patients infected with the coronavirus (covid-19).

In total they are two workers, on which the suspicions of being infected with the coronavirus fall. This situation caused preventively isolate 78 workersincluding 12 people.

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Others seven workers were they work in different points of the project, also Tthey had to be separated and confined to avoid a possible risk of spreading the virus.

At the moment, it is known that the workers who showed a symptomatology similar to the coronavirus are on two work fronts, the first one where the electromechanical equipment installations and the second in the Las Americas sector, which are located on the Quindío.

At that point is where coordinates with the health authorities of Calarcá, everything related to the state of health of those involved.

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For his part, INVIAS issued a statement indicating that the respective biosecurity protocols are being advanced, to guarantee and safeguard the life of the project workers and the populations surrounding it, in Quindío and Tolima.

“INVÍAS made the decision to temporarily suspend the works on those two fronts, while the results of the tests are known. The Institute is committed to preserve life on its work fronts, so it will continue to take the appropriate measures and timely report on the evolution of this contingency. ” The entity expressed through its website.
