Coronavirus in Colombia: health personnel infected in the country – Health


According to the latest report from the National Institute of Health (INS), published this Saturday, May 9, there are already 678 health workers in Colombia who have been infected with the new coronavirus.

Of that number, 646 are symptomatic and 32 asymptomatic. In addition, there are 324 more cases that are under study.

Of the total number of infected health personnel, 527 acquired the virus in the midst of exercising their profession. 96 more were infected in the community and another 36 imported. Studies on the remaining 19 cases are still underway.

Those who have become most infected are nursing assistants (227), followed, in the first 5 positions, by doctors (146), nurses (100), clerks (35) and pharmacy technicians (24).

As for deaths, the fatality rate in this union has been low: 9 people. Four of them were doctors; two, nursing assistants; two more, drivers; and an administrative.

(Also read: Antibodies, another hope to fight the coronavirus).

Bogotá is the territorial entity where health workers have been most infected, with 259 cases (38.2% of the total).

Risaralda (105), Antioquia (73), Cali (61) and Santa Marta (44) complete the first positions.

(You may be interested: The pandemic crisis of dentists).

Nine people in the health union have died from the pandemic

In contrast, Atlántico, Casanare, Cesar, Córdoba and Cauca are the regions that have the least health workers infected: 2, in the first four, and 1, in the last.

So far, 287, of the 678 infected, have recovered.

