Coronavirus in Colombia: Five grandparents recovered in Cundinamarca – Bogotá


Five older adults won the battle against the coronavirus in Cundinamarca after they were treated at the San Pedro Claver Wellness Center.

Everything was possible thanks to a strict isolation and care of doctors, nurses, therapists, psychologists and social workers of this center of attention.

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One of the most encouraging cases is that of María Elisa Díaz, 95, with underlying lung disease. Along with her, Carlos Julio Hernández, 71, was treated; Hernando Bordo, 68; José Emilio Bachiller, 61; Plinio José Avendaño, 65, and Víctor Julio Garzón, 82.

The San Pedro Claver Wellness Center is from the Beneficence of Cundinamarca and cares for older adults and people with cognitive disabilities.

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The grandparents received flowers and applause from the medical staff.


Cundinamarca governorate

“With the accompaniment of the Cundinamarca Health Secretariat, we made a strategic alliance with the Colombian Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, to work on the health and protection of this vulnerable population in our charge in the department. The Charity has eight care centers for the elderly and disabled, of which this is the largest in the country ”, explained the manager of the Cundinamarca Charity, Salomón Said.

The grandparents were introduced this week, healthy and happy. They received flowers and applause from the medical staff who treated them in recent weeks.

Cundinamarca records, as of May 12, 309 cases of coronavirus and 13 deceased people.

If you had coronavirus and managed to recover, we are interested in knowing its history. Write to us at [email protected].
