Coronavirus in Colombia: cases and deaths September 30 – Health


This Wednesday the Ministry of Health delivered a new report on the situation of the coronavirus in Colombia. According to the report, in the last 24 hours 5,637 new infections were confirmed after processing 35,293 tests. With this figure, the country reaches a total of 829,678 cases.

(Further: Covid-19 caused 11% of all deaths in Colombia)

Also, the health authority confirmed 170 more deaths. Of this number, 150 belong to previous days. The total number of deaths from covid-19 increases, then, to 25,998.

Regarding the recovered patients, 743,653 Colombians have managed to overcome the coronavirus. On the other hand, active confirmed cases continue to decline: at the moment there are 58,262.

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This week, Bogotá had registered less than 2,000 cases daily. This Wednesday 2,033 were confirmed. In second place on the list appears Antioquia with 919; then there is the Valley with 584; Santander follows with 302 and in fifth place is Cesar with 217 new infections.

Chocó, Vichada, Amazonas, Vaupés, Magdalena and Guania are among the places in the country with the lowest cases registered in the last 24 hours.

(Can read: San Andrés, in a health crisis due to an increase in covid-19 infections)

Worldwide, 33,714,595 people have been infected with coronavirus; 1’008,932 have died from covid-19 and 820 patients have recovered.

More news of the day:

– The drama of the family of the soldier who murdered Juliana Giraldo

– The border closure extends until November 1

– The unemployment rate for August was 16.8%

– This is the new decision for the hearing in the Martín Elías case

