Coronavirus in Bogotá: Request to close two police stations for covid-19 – Bogotá


Given the confirmation of 7 cases of covid-19 and 5 probable -they are awaiting the results of the tests-, the Personería de Bogotá asked to close two police stations in the city.

The agency also asked the police to investigate the agents who are not wearing masks or taking other security measures. “They must abide by biosecurity measures or impose sanctions, as they patrol the city and have contact not only with their families, but with all of the capital” he pointed out.

The Bogotá Security Secretariat had repeatedly warned of the high overcrowding and the risk that this means for inmates of police stations and URIs.

(You may be interested in: Colombia exceeds 11,000 cases of contagion by coronavirus)

The Personería alerted on Sunday morning about the danger that agents, clerks and detainees run in the police stations of the city, after finding that 7 people detained at the Fontibón station tested positive in the initial rapid test, a police officer infected in the intensive care unit of the Military Hospital and four others, all from Kennedy station, isolated waiting for the test result.

The Ombudsman asked to isolate all the detainees, agents and administrative personnel of the two stations, and to carry out tests and follow-up both in their family environment and in the people with whom they had contact.

The contagions set off the alarms of the control entity, which not only denounced the fact but also warned that although the District has delivered some biosecurity elements, the health conditions in the stations are still precarious; So much so that even the personnel who carry out control visits to these sites also do not have adequate protection elements.

According to the Personería, overcrowding, which reaches 140% at the Kennedy station and 145% at the Fontibón station, is one of the explanations for the infections. For this reason, the entity asked the National Government to take substantive measures, such as the authorization of temporary centers and authorize the District to build a new prison.
But the calls for attention did not stop there. The District Public Ministry warned that, as of May 7, there were 1,148 people detained at police stations, although their maximum capacity is 472.

(Also read: Another doctor dies in Bogotá due to coronavirus)

And that is not the most tragic thing. The Ombudsman also highlighted the lack of basic sanitation protocols and said that the fumigation records of the physical areas were not known.

On twitter: @BogotaET
