CORONAVIRUS: Great news! Oxford COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Resumed


The studies of this drug are already in the third phase and they are a great hope. Great news! Oxford COVID-19 vaccine trials resume.

In recent days, the pharmaceutical AstraZeneca decided to interrupt a clinical trial to achieve a vaccine against COVID-19, because one of the participants suffers from “a potentially inexplicable disease.”

Now the English University of Oxford reported this Saturday 12 that it will resume its clinical trials of the vaccine against COVID-19.

In a statement, Oxford indicated that the tests of the vaccine, called ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 and that is developed together with the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, will resume in the United Kingdom after pausing on September 6 as a precautionary measure.

This possible vaccine, considered one of the most advanced developed worldwide, is in the final stages of clinical trials before receiving authorization from regulatory bodies to proceed with immunizing the population.

Clinical trials in the UK will start again after the independent review process has been completed.

“We cannot reveal the medical information about the disease (of the volunteer) for reasons of confidentiality of the participant”, explains the high house of study in its note.

“We are committed,” he added, “to the safety of our participants and the highest level of conduct in our studies and we will closely monitor the safety” of the vaccine.

Great news! Oxford COVID-19 vaccine trials resume.


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