Coronavirus | DPS Solidarity Income in September: when do you start paying the fifth draft and when does it end?


The Solidarity Income continues to be delivered throughout the country, as indicated by Social Prosperity, the idea is to guarantee that the aid is paid to more than 2.9 million of beneficiaries, banked and unbanked. This week the fourth installment of the fourth round ended, now the National Government will begin with the fifth.

Iván Duque confirmed a few months ago that this economic incentive of $ 160,000 per month will last until the middle of next year. What the Government seeks is to help the most vulnerable families that have been economically affected for more than five months by the pandemic.

When will the fifth draft be charged?

The Department of Social Prosperity, the entity in charge of Solidarity Income, reported on its official Twitter account that the fifth installment of incentives “began to be distributed in a phased manner to beneficiaries from August 31” and that “these resources will be available throughout the month of September.” Money will be delivered to 3 million households, with an investment of $ 480,000 million“.

As in the previous payments, the beneficiaries will be notified via text message when they can withdraw the resources from their respective bank or digital product opened for this process.

What is the process for the fifth turn and how do I know if I am benefited?

Banked persons will be able to withdraw the money order in the account they opened in the authorized financial entities, while thehouseholds or families that have had these inconveniences from financial institutions They will receive the resources by money order or through a new bank.The authorized ones are: Banco Agrario, Banco Caja Social or Bancolombia and the payment by money order is collected at the window.

To know if you are a beneficiary The DPS enabled the Ingreso Solidario web page, in which interested parties can check if they are beneficiaries by entering some basic data such as name, surname, identification number and date of issuance of the identity document. If you are a beneficiary, you can leave a contact telephone number.

All against the coronavirus

By following these recommendations, we prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in our country: 1. Wash your hands frequently, 2. Do not greet people with kisses or handshakes, 3. If you cough, cover your mouth with a bent elbow or with a tissue, 4. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and the mouth, 5. If you have a fever or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention, but call line 123 first, 6. Follow the instructions of local and national authorities.

Likewise, the Ministry of Health developed an application for the cell phone that allows you to follow what is happening with COVID-19 in the country. CoronaApp is available for free for download on Android and iOS devices.

And remember, stay home!
