Coronavirus | dead and recovered in Colombia | News Today – Health


After the last update of the Minsalud, there are 65,928 active infections in the country.


Coronavirus in Colombia: October 20, 2020Coronavirus in Colombia: October 20, 2020.



October 20, 2020, 05:25 pm

The Ministry of Health confirmed this Tuesday that the figure of infections by covid-19 rose to 974,139, of which 65,928 are active. In the last 24 hours alone, 8,256 new patients were diagnosed with the virus, after 49,781 tests were performed.

(Also read: He died of covid-19 influencer ‘fitness’ who denied the coronavirus)

In addition, the most recent report from the health authority gives an account of 170 deaths, which were registered in the last day, with which the number Total deaths due to the pandemic reached 29,272.

(It may be of interest to you: Scientists warn about distrust of the vaccine against covid-19)

As for the number of recovered in the country, it amounted to 876,731, of which 8,770 appear as new in the last report.

(In other news: Why are they planning to infect British volunteers with covid-19?)

So far, the city with the most cases in Bogotá, where more than 299 thousand positive cases have been reported.

Worldwide there are already more than 40.4 million infected and 1’119,283 deaths.


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