Coronavirus: Coomeva initiative to transport health personnel – Sectors – Economy


The Coomeva cooperative took the lead over the coronavirus in favor of health workers involved in the care of patients with this disease that overwhelms all countries.

On this front, in Colombia, 6.25 percent of the total victims of contagion have already been reached, including nurses, doctors, assistants, therapists and administrative personnel. Of 560 infected workers, 470 were contaminated in the exercise of their work.

‘The Route of Hope’ is a solution that seeks to facilitate the mobility and security of medical personnel in the country. According to a Coomeva statement, the initiative aims to stop the spread of the virus in professionals in the sector, who are permanently exposed to covid-19. But it is evident that it will also help to prevent the repeated cases of physical and verbal attacks that have occurred against these professionals, both in public spaces and in their places of work and residence.

(You may be interested: Coomeva responds to Germán Vargas Lleras column)

The ruta La Ruta de la Esperanza ’buses travel along some main roads where members of the health sector can come out to wait for them.

Coomeva points out in its bulletin that the service has “the hygiene and social distancing protocols so that the medical, healthcare and administrative personnel who go out to give their lives every day for the battle against covid-19 and the health of all Colombians arrive safely at their destinations. “

The route It began operations on April 17 and has a presence in different cities in the country: Bogotá, Barranquilla, Bucaramanga and Pereira.

In the national territory More than 10,000 people with the virus already number. For this reason, precautions in public transport are fundamental, which can become one of the main sources of contagion.

The risks in these spaces are due to the lack of ventilation, as well as the difficulty of enforcing the recommendation of the minimum social distance between people.

(Also read: The alarming number of health workers with covid-19 in the country)

According to the WHO and other organizations, staying less than two meters from another person in times of a pandemic can increase the risk of being infected, so it is important to keep the suggested distance.

After more than two months since the first case in the country, which arrived on March 6, different companies that provide the mobility service have been sanctioned for failing to comply with the health protocols established by the Government.

These companies must comply with the sanitary provisions on the physical distance between passengers, as well as with drivers, the proper use of face masks and disinfection procedures. relevant vehicles, at workstations and stations where they operate.

The Coomeva cooperative offers the service to different clinics and hospitals to prevent their employees from also being exposed on trips to and from their homes.

(Also: The crossroads of hospitals and clinics in full emergency)

