Coronavirus Colombia: What does decree 660 say about the academic calendar for covid-19? – Education – Life


This Thursday Decree 660 of 2020 was announced, by which the National Government authorizes the Ministry of Education to make the academic calendar more flexible.

The norm, which occurs in the framework of the pandemic by covid-19, allows the Ministry of Education to organize and guide the weeks of academic work in periods other than those foreseen Article 86 of Law 115 of 1994, to guarantee the provision of the educational service throughout the national territory.

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As explained by the head of the educational portfolio, María Victoria Angulo, the decree delivers to the Ministry of Education and the territorial authorities the “tools to achieve learning achievements planned to be developed during the school year at different levels and educational levels, and that these are advanced based on the curricular adaptation implemented and according to particular conditions that in some territories are required by the evolution of the pandemic. “

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Thus, the authorization allows the Ministry of Education, during the time of the health emergency, can meet eventual needs for flexibility in the academic calendar of this school year at the preschool, basic and middle levels.

The flexibility, if applied, will respond to a joint work with the certified territorial entities, to meet specific needs that some regions may require according to the evolution of the covid-19.

Mineducation will give guidance to mayors, governors and the respective secretaries of education so that they have the necessary elements to assess the eventual needs for flexibility in the academic calendar for 2020.

