Coronavirus Colombia: Street vendor cleans the mangoes he sells with his face mask


A video on social networks has already been tacked in Colombia. A street vendor cleans the mangoes he sells with his face mask.

A person watching him recorded it and broadcast it on social networks, where hundreds of people have commented. Many of them remember the importance these days of washing all the food that is bought before consuming it.

Street vendor cleans the mangoes he sells with his face mask

The video appears to have been shot in Santa Marta. There they found the subject while resting on a platform.

Despite the advice on the use of the mask in times of pandemic by the coronavirus, man does not take them into account.

This is how he takes off his mask and uses it to clean his shoes and the handles he has in a box. Minutes later he puts it back on his face and continues on his way down the street, offering the mangoes.


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