Coronavirus | Colombia reaches one million infected and is close to 30,000 dead today – Data


After 231 days of pandemic, Colombia exceeded one million cases of contagion by the new coronavirus and thus becomes the eighth country on the planet to reach that number.

According to the report of the Ministry of Health this Saturday, 1,007,711 cases of covid-19 have been registered in the national territory, of which 907,379 have already been recovered.

(We recommend: Colombia, on the way to meet the death forecast this year from covid).

In the last 24 hours alone, 8,769 new patients were diagnosed in Colombia. With this, the number of active cases reached 68,008.

In addition, the health authority reported 198 more deaths, bringing the total number of deaths to 30,000 in the country.

According to figures from Our World in Data, updated to October 22, the million-case barrier it had been surpassed before by the United States, India, Brazil, Russia, Argentina, Spain and France, which reached that figure in the last hours.

If the virus incidence data is analyzed, Colombia appears in 27th place in the world, with a rate of 19,461 cases per million inhabitants. In Latin America, Panama is the country with the highest incidence, counting 29,486 per million inhabitants.

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In front of the neighbors of South America, our country is the third with the most cases, surpassed by Brazil, which exceeds five million cases and leads the ranking by far, and Argentina, which also surpassed the one million barrier a few days ago.

Regarding the rate per million inhabitants, the figures are led by Peru and Chile. Colombia is in fifth place. Uruguay is the country with the best performance both in general cases and in incidence of the virus.

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This is how the pandemic is going in the country

However, despite the number of cases, one aspect to highlight is the high number of patients who have already recovered. Currently, nine out of 10 Colombians who were infected with covid-19 are reported as recovered.

In fact, according to the INS, there are currently 65,195 active cases, which is equivalent to 6% of the total. In other words, one of every 20 cases is still active.

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The Government has insisted that the behavior of the pandemic has been ‘regionalized’, that is, that the peaks have occurred on certain dates and at certain times of the year.

Amazonas, Villavicencio, Barranquilla and Bogotá (which in fact remains the ‘epicenter of the pandemic’,) they had, between March and September, the most difficult moments.

(Also read: The pandemic has already destroyed 174 hotels in the country).

Currently, it seems that growth is beginning to occur in Antioquia, where the governor should have already declared the red alert due to the increase in the occupation of the Intensive Care Units (ICU), which, to date, is about 80% .

It must be said that Bogotá leads the number of cases by a long margin. However, Antioquia shows a very strong upward trend from mid-August to the present of October, which already places that department as the second with the most cases in the country.

And in terms of the rate per 100,000 inhabitants, Bogotá and Amazonas have the highest incidence in their territories, with more than 3,000 infections per 100,000 inhabitants. San Andrés, which has seen its cases grow in recent weeks, was ranked third.

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