Coronavirus Colombia: How to access the new benefits to the educational sector? – Education – Life


The Ministry of Education and Icetex announced a series of reliefs for gardens, schools, universities, parents and students, in order to mitigate the economic impact of the pandemic in the sector.

In the case of Icetex, it is a series of measures that beneficiaries can access voluntarily. That is, the benefits They do not apply immediately, but it is necessary to apply for it.

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The announced benefits are:

· Reduction of interest to the IPC to all students of strata 1, 2 and 3, who have a valid educational credit and study in 2020-2.

· Grace period until December 2020. This benefit may be taken simultaneously with the interest reduction. It will go from 35,000 current beneficiaries to 66,000.

· Extension of repayment terms: as of May 13, 24,000 benefits have been granted. The measure will be in force until the payment plan ends.

· New credits without co-debtor: 16,000 additional places will be delivered.

How to access Icetex benefits?

To access, you can call 01 8000 916 821 throughout the country and 7467018 in Bogotá. Once the request has been made. According to the evaluation of the particular situation of each applicant, they will be guided on the measure that best applies to their particular case.

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However, it should be clarified that these benefits are not active as of now, but it is expected that in approximately two weeks Interested persons may begin to request them through the channels provided by Icetex, since at the moment, the entity and the National Government are working on the improvement and adjustment to technical mechanisms for granting aid.

Aid for parents, gardens, schools and universities

The Ministry arranged 2.5 billion pesos for credits intended for educational institutions, of which 1 billion will go to kindergartens and schools, and 1.5 to Higher Education Institutions (IES).

The purpose of this aid is to guarantee the payment of payroll for teachers and other collaborators of these institutions, which was one of the main concerns of the sector.

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The institutions that want to access these credits must communicate directly with the Ministry of Education, where their situation will be evaluated.

In the case of parents, a line of credit was also opened in order for them to pay their children’s pensions to schools. At the moment, the mechanism by which this benefit can be accessed has not been announced.

Financing of public university tuition

One of the claims of higher education students was the payment of their tuition for the second semester of 2020.

Thus the things, the ministry arranged resources by 97,000 million pesos for the financing of a percentage of the enrollment of students of public universities of strata 1 and 2. The mechanism of access to this benefit will be announced in the coming weeks.

@ EducaciónET
